Enrico, still! | DAILY NEWSPAPERS
Valentine's Day, at 13:00, Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, stood before the President to resign. After only a year of government, Letta emigrated from offices "Chigi Palace", wsgfl without wsgfl incurring no-confidence motion without changing wsgfl the parliamentary majority. Then why the grandson of Gianni Lettës (most important man and confidant of Silvio Berlusconi) surrendered? Why the self-described "balls of steel" (literally wsgfl "steel tope", interview for the "Irish Times", November 7, 2013), did not have the courage to demand that the government itself, as in any parliamentary democracy, died there where he was born, namely in Parliament?
The answer is rather simple: the party lost control belongs. wsgfl Or put another wsgfl way: because the newly elected leader of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi, could not resist the allure that radiates the prime minister's armchair. Mayor of Florence, after stërbetua that did not care Lettës post, he did not want to govern without popular vote, primary election victory in Bay DP was only the first step to gain political, last Thursday , with no coherence, did the opposite. With one (one!) Whipping sentence painful as a twigs said ("Letten thanks for the work done so far"), Renzi dismissed the Prime Minister as president of a football team and its coach. The official motivation was that "Italy is in a have h", and so came "moment that the government amend the horizon and speed of action," for urgent reforms that the state needs "o approved by the DP, or not approved by one ".
In other words, the governing body of the Democratic Party, by majority vote, stripped off the country's Prime Minister (Enrico Letta) to pave the way current leader (Matteo Renzi). Without any new program, no new priorities and, more importantly, no new majority. In the second branch of Parliament (Senate of the Republic), the Democratic Party is obliged to continue the coalition with wolves old center-right as Casini, Alfano, Monti. So it is hard to see what can offer more Renzi, except "unbridled ambition" to take power. Now that is finally sit on the hot chair of the Prime Minister will have to negotiate with allies right every law, every DCM, every move. As a result, wsgfl accelerated methods of "Çunaku charming" would not be much more efficient. wsgfl
Personally I think that, in a classic parliamentarism weak rationalization such as Italian, is not at all particular to the government's lifespan is limited. Within wsgfl the time of a legislature (5 years) many prime ministers in the past have changed and so, in future, have to change. The aspect that amazes me is the arrogance of Renzi, his sprint toward "Chigi Palace", refuting every sentence that he had said just a month ago. I thought he was different from his friends, who will finally went a little fresh air in a musty party by successive betrayals. But above all, I thought it would accept the post as Prime Minister only after he had won at least a general election: upright, with a program legitimized by popular vote.
"Enrico, Stai Sereno *" Matteo wrote on Twitter last December because "I do not want your country", but "I want to change along Italy". Italian politicians are already warning: when Renzi "of calms" must firmly grasp the seat that follows the rear.
February 14, 2014 at 10:01 pm
@ PAB have the right of / loved. Need some explanation in the article, not to be aggravated, can not add. Italian Parliament, within the space of a legislature (5 years), is free to change the majority, wsgfl and therefore the government, whenever it wants, or otherwise whenever changing political balances. In Middle of Christian democracy (pre '90) also spoke of "government Beach", ie that lasted only one summer. Rationalized parliamentarianism wsgfl he is, for example, a German who provides constructive no-confidence motion. There can be no confidence vote against a Kancelieri, if not proposed another at the same time. Instruments rationalization (which strengthen the Government towards Parliament) are different, but for now plenty of bored! Thanks for critique and rilexohemi!
Dear, I have not criticized and "irony" was not with you; although I took a paragraph out of context, for illustration. Something wsgfl that you do as the author (journalist / article-writer) talking directly with Posters, is to be highly commended. Now to answer you seriously. -
In your article, (or anywhere) Italy could be caught in the "two sides" dry side, simple as reporting; it happened and it; or on the side of "names"