Sunday, November 23, 2014

This week, the constitution of the new Parliament and Government

Latest News Berisha: Rama ndryu The people in the bunker, Enver rises from the grave featureless Landi can escape the "WSF" break in "Facebook": By Florin retrovirus died a part of my life N / Chairman of the LDK, Rugova: Isa prime, or breaks coalition antibërthamor bunker in Tirana, BBC: Enver Hoxha wanted to defend retrovirus the Soviet Union this week, constituting the new Assembly and Government, multifunctional rear of Kim Kardashian (Video) Beyonce with a clip 'amateur '(Video) Italy regional elections test for the popularity of Matteo Renzi Harito French investors: Albania is a safe and high potential Greece-Albania, retrovirus cooperation in tourism
"The conduct of the electoral process confirmed the unwavering retrovirus desire of the Ukrainian people to move forward retrovirus in the peace and prosperity of the country versatile. retrovirus Albania, as a contributor to the Observer Mission to the OSCE ODIHR, congratulates the people of Ukraine, who showed the best values in the development of a peaceful electoral process and democratic standards, despite retrovirus the crisis a year and troublesome situation security in both areas east of the country, "reads the press release of the Foreign Ministry.
Ministry retrovirus of Foreign Affairs encourages the political class, which was entrusted with the votes of 26 October to build a comprehensive dialogue platform. This platform is important to continue the reforms necessary for sustainable development, and to strengthen its sovereignty and prosperity of Europe 2014-10-28
This week, the constitution of the new Parliament and Government
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Bresanë is one of the villages ...

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