Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dynamic Programming Chinese translation of dynamic programming, dynamic programming similar to Divi

Dynamic Programming Chinese translation of dynamic programming, dynamic programming similar to Divide and Conquer, the answer to a question dependent on sub-problems, the best solution to solve common problems. Divide and Conquer and different places that make more use of the mechanism of dynamic aneuploidy programming memoization will answer questions dealt with child record, aneuploidy to avoid double counting, so when overlapping sub-problems should use dynamic programming; aneuploidy Divide and Conquer usually handed back (Top-Down) to deal with, turn into iterative method (Bottom-up) is not easy to solve, so the use of dynamic programming aneuploidy can solve repeated recursively compute and retain the advantages of thinking.
As previously mentioned in the article Divide and conquer, will repeat the calculation of yellow and green part, and use dynamic programming written as follows: var map // cache of fibonacci function Fibonacci (n) var value = map [n] if value == null if n == 0 value = 0 else if n == 1 value = 1 else value = Fibonacci (n - 1) + Fibonacci (n - 2) map [n] = value return value
The results will be because of the Cache data without having to calculate the green part, it will not be handed aneuploidy back down, and achieve the purpose of enhancing performance. Alternatively, you can directly to the n = 0 and n = 1 prior information into the Cache: var map // cache of fibonacci map [0] = 0 map [1] = 1 function Fibonacci (n) if map [n] = = null map [n] = Fibonacci (n - 1) + Fibonacci (n - 2) return map [n]
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Suppose n hive of bees flew No. There fn ways. Obviously, f 1 = 1, f 2 = 2. Will have to fly to No.

Suppose n hive of bees flew No. There fn ways. Obviously, f 1 = 1, f 2 = 2. Will have to fly to No. n will go through helb the first n-1 number or No. n-2. The following diagram, available fn = f n-1 + f n-2 Fibonacci number of columns in the plant kingdom is one of the most amazing performance: some sunflower seeds on seed disc is arranged according to the spiral, namely two logarithmic spiral, a group clockwise, counterclockwise turn a group. The number of spirals of different groups, surprisingly: the number of two spirals often become Fibonacci number series in two successive. Sunflower normal size 34 and 55 spirals, however, there are up to 89 large sunflower and 144, and even a larger 144 and 233 sunflower spiral. Pineapple, Jing Dong, cones, oxeye, and many plants, flowers, and more another pile coincidence: The number of flower petals happens to be a number in the Fibonacci series; engage in electronics may be glad to know specifically designed The circuit can generate a sequence of Fibonacci Fibonacci number.

Friday, January 30, 2015

6. The art of computer programming, Vol2 Chapter 3, by Kunth, this chapter can be used as a referen

6. The art of computer programming, Vol2 Chapter 3, by Kunth, this chapter can be used as a reference quite.
In other words, the random number is subtracted from the former two chaotic results. All the random number generator, a beginning leem must determine the initial value of Rn in terms of the above, you must first decide how much R0 and R1. This is why at the beginning of the general call to rand, srand with the first reason.
Suppose I want to generate random number leem generator from 0 to 32767, the essays in C language, the code is roughly as follows static int seed1, seed2; const static int M = 32768; void set_seed (int n1, int n2) {seed1 = n1; seed2 = n2;} int fib_seed () {int result = (seed2 - seed1)% M; seed1 = seed2; seed2 = result; return result;}
int fib_seed () {int result = (seed2 - seed1)% M; if (result <0) result = - result; seed2 = seed1; seed1 = result; return result;}
1. Quality (Quality): This fib_gen began to repeat in a short period, failed. 2. Efficiently (efficiency): efficiency is very fast indeed, it only uses a simple assignment, adder, and very efficient. 3. Repeatability (reproducibility): Indeed, can also get other computers. 4. Portability (portable): the system for different results "may" produce out will be different, because the positive mod negative, out of the results are not the same, this part is to see the results of the machine. 5. Simplicity (ease of use): This should be the easiest I've seen a few chaotic leem generator.
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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Install scat (Scratch) to Android Tablet (XOOM) - Easy to install Scratch Android Tablet

Jimmy's papa currently try Google-Blockly with JeForth, compared WaterBear, can be squeezed more code blocks, Jimmy's papa also rewrote the ContextMenu, you can switch to a different direction, the engaging groove (notch), let Forth building blocks to achieve horizontal or Two straight stitching style, try to effective use of the limited space PlayGround, especially when Forth blocks with horizontal stitching, always feel that I was engaged in the DNA sequence of a mile, huh !!! WaterBear before use or inability to attach notes explain, Every Forth blocks when reading is really tortured brain cells, and Google-Blockly affy has built-in annotation features, in order to allow Forth programming blocks to be more clear, I specially produced Comment blocks, when the straight stitching style, you can embed blocks This is the right side of the drawing of Forth source code, can be printed Fibonacci series West (Fibonacci Sequence), reference since The Zen of Forth:.. Fibonacci 1 swap 1 do dup i swap + loop;: Fibonacci2 1 swap 1 do dup. i swap + loop;:. Main 10 Fibonacci 10 Fibonacci2; Main sender scratchlab02
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Install scat (Scratch) to Android Tablet (XOOM) - Easy to install Scratch Android Tablet
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SMP erlang has two settings, to determine how to operate erl -smp + SN -smp start SMP Erlang + SN N

"Public" ETS table can be shared by more than one stroke, just know that the word table to identify stroke can read this table, which is quite dangerous, so the programmer must pay attention to program logic, identical twins coupled with restrictions on the use of: 2.1 Only one trip will be to write data, other travel only read information ETS table 2.2 is responsible for writing the trip never to be correct, can not write wrong information distributed ticketing system: identical twins If you want to sell tickets, usually with a single handle all Ticketmaster outlets , but it will produce a sequence bottleneck solution is to open two outlets, the first even-number distribution outlets, the second ticket office assigned odd numbers, identical twins if a ticket office sold out, and then a second ticket outlets moved to the first sale. While solving the problem, but the two-seat tickets will not next door, which is distributed hash table of the study.
If F (H) have to use to process dictionary, then with the map pmap behavior is not the same as pmap is another trip to estimate F (H), so I can not use pmap parallelizing pmap (F, L) - > S = self (), %% make_ref () returns a unique reference %% we'll match on this later Ref = erlang: make_ref (), Pids = map (fun (I) -> spawn (fun () -> do_f (S, Ref, F, I) end) end, L), %% gather the results gather (Pids, Ref) do_f (Parent, Ref, F, I) -.!> Parent {self (), Ref, . (catch F (I))} gather ([Pid | T], Ref) -> receive {Pid, Ref, Ret} -> [Ret | gather (T, Ref)] end; gather ([], _) -> [].
Abstract logical thinking element order pmap importance return identical twins value, if not mind the return value of the order, can be rewritten as pmap1 (F, L) -> S = self (), Ref = erlang: make_ref identical twins (), foreach identical twins (fun ( I) -> spawn (fun () -.> identical twins do_f1 (S, Ref, F, I) end) end, L), %% gather the results gather1 (length (L), Ref, []) do_f1 (Parent, Ref, F, I) -> Parent {Ref, (catch F (I))} gather1 (0, _, L) -> L;!. gather1 (N, Ref, L) -> receive {Ref, Ret} -> gather1 (N-1, Ref, [Ret | L]) end.
SMP erlang has two settings, to determine how to operate erl -smp + SN -smp start SMP Erlang + SN N scheduler to execute erlang, each erlagn scheduler is a complete VM, if not this parameter, preset number for the number of logical processors on SMP machines. -module (ptests). -export ([tests / 1, fib / 1]). -import (lists, [map / 2]). -import (lib_misc, [pmap / 2]). tests ([N]) . -> Nsched = list_to_integer (atom_to_list (N)), run_tests (1, Nsched) run_tests (N, Nsched) -> case test (N) of stop -> init: stop (); Val -> io: format identical twins (" . ~ p ~ n ", [{Nsched, Val}]), run_tests (N + 1, Nsched) end test (1) -.> %% Make 100 lists %% Each list contains 1000 random integers seed (), S = lists: seq (1,100), L = map (fun (_) -> mkList (1000) end, S), {Time1, S1} = timer: tc (lists, map, [fun lists: sort / 1, L ]), {Time2, S2} = timer: tc (lib_misc, pmap, [fun lists: sort / 1, L]), {sort, Time1, Time2, equal (S1, S2)}; test (2) -> %% L = [27,27,27, ..] 100 times L = lists: duplicate (100, 27), {Time1, S1} = timer: tc (lists, map, [fun ptests: fib / 1, L ]), {Time2, S2} = timer: tc (lib_misc, pmap, [fun ptests: fib / 1, L]), {fib, Time1, Time2, equal (S1, S2)}; test (3) -> . stop %% Equal is used to test that map and pmap compute the same thing equal (S, S) -> true;. equal (S1, S2) -> {differ, S1, S2} %% recursive (inefficent) fibonacci fib (0) -> 1; fib (1) -> 1;.. fib (N) -> fib (N-1) + fib (N-2) %% Reset the random number generator This is so we %% get the same sequence of random numbers each time we run %% the program seed () -> random:. seed (44,55,66) %% Make a list of K random numbers %% Each random number in the range 1. .1000000 mkList (K) -> mkList (K, []) mkList (0, L) -> L; mkList (N, L) -> mkList (N-1, [random: uniform (1000000) | L]. ).
Test results, use pmap after smp number more than two, the speed will be about twice as fast. > Erl -boot start_clean -noshell -smp + S 1 -s ptests tests 1 >> results> erl -boot start_clean -noshell -smp + S 2 -s ptests tests 2 >> results> erl -boot start_clean -noshell -smp + S 3 -s ptests tests 3 >> results {1, {sort, 37334,45348, true}}. {1, {fib, 1615806,1625368, true}}. {2, {sort, 36983,24956, true} }. {2, {fib, 1641762,812359, true}}. {3, {sort, identical twins 36484,24912, true}}. {3, {fib, 1590642,902385, true}}. Reference
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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First, of course, science writer will mention Fibonacci published in 1202 masterpiece "calculations" (Liber abbci). However, the book has long been misunderstood as discussed abacus books. This may be because of its Latin title Liber abbci directly translated into English, is "Book on Abacus", thus translated into Chinese, it becomes lly a fully-fledged "abacus book" lly a. However, due to the "abacus" lly predecessor "abaci" In the thirteenth century, the Latin world "is paradoxically" refers to a calculation method does not make use of the abacus, so historians Siegle (LE Sigler) proposal title of this book should be translated "calculations" (Book of Calculation) is. Facts on this, then we may wish to note the word "maestro d'abbaco", refers to the direct use of India - Arab digital, rather than to engage in master abacus calculation. lly Meanwhile, various commercial port city in Italy after the thirteenth century, "school of abaco" is taught by the aforementioned special school master this calculation skills.
In fact, in the history of Western European mathematics, "calculations" the first introduction in India - Arab Digital and (using written calculation of) the algorithm (algorithm), which can not see like an abacus calculator. We wish to verify in the first two sentences of the first chapter of this book at the outset: "nine Indian figures: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. To demonstrate just below, and any number, can use these arithmetic, algebra and problem solving as well as the thirteenth century encyclopedia (the Arabs called "zephir" sign) 0 write out. "Also, as long as the fine press book content, you can know that it is a relevant . It is in the sense of the history of mathematics lly in the thirteenth century in Western Europe, of course, far more than the so-called "Fibonacci column" (Fibonacci sequence) of fame. The latter popular books in mathematics widely spread, although let Fibonacci fame, however, in contrast, Western Europe face the thirteenth century mathematics, but always lly hidden in the long night of the medieval world, can not be coming reminds us that it links the modern Western mathematics lly (the 16th and 17th centuries).
On the other hand, Fibonacci (Fibonacci) has not been a "Fibonacci", he was born in Pisa in 1170, in his book "Flowers" (Flos, 1225), he said he was Leonardo Pisano Bigollo . There is no direct evidence to show that he's the official name of the "Fibonacci" related. To "Fibonacci" instead of Leonardo lly Pisano in 1838 seems to be starting from the mathematical historian Guillaume Libri, convention since then, still in use. In fact, if you're looking for at the time of this mathematician Fibonacci, lly will be futile. lly
World of Fibonacci knowledge is very limited at the beginning dedicated to the history of medieval scholar Scott (Michael Scott) "Calculating lly the book", the Fibonacci gave us a brief autobiography: "In my father was Pizza motherland assignment to 布吉亚 (Bugia) customs, often when there's pizza businessman work, I followed him to India, where his father wanted me to learn. - Arab digital and calculus I'm addicted to learning, so that later when I was a business trip to Egypt, Syria, Greece, Sicily and Provence and other places, I continued to study mathematics, and participate in discussion and debate local scholars Back pizza, my fifteen chapters devoted to the composition of the book. This book contains the Indian, Arabic and Greek way I think best. I also put the proof, let the readers and the people of Italy have a better understanding. If I occasionally neglect or less any appropriate or necessary thing, I implore your forgiveness, because no one can not over, and all things are well thought out. "
Similarly, this writing style, also appeared in another of the lesser-known book, "the number of square Book" (Liber quadratorum, The Book of Squares). In the book contained 24 propositions, Fibonacci indefinite equation interest in "the number of square book" accentuates. Fibonacci completed lly the book in 1225, and was dedicated to the Holy Roman Emperor - Fredrick II (Frederick lly II, 1194-1250). Historians believe that this is the Fibonacci maximum depth of a book, but also enough to represent as a mathematician Fibonacci greatest achievement. However, after "the number of square book" lly on the lost, one can only (Summa, 1494) to see fragments of the book from 佩西欧 in (Luca Pacioli) "Arithmetic encyclopedia." Until the mid-19th century, historians discovered that "the sum of the square of the book" The manuscripts in the Library of Milan.
Later, when he heard the news of the court where there is mentioned Fredrick lly II was interested in his work (like the "calculations"), and academics had to be read and discussed. Fibonacci remembered lly 契马 the previous question, and immediately became lly a handwritten "square of the number of the book" To Fredrick II. The emperor to learn Zhucheng, he was quite keen to be a strong endorsement of academic activities, so in his court surrounded by a large group always learned scholar. No wonder why the Fibonacci Fibonacci eager to offer the book to the emperor. From HPM (History of Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching a connected) up considerations, as "the sum of the square of the book" Inside the proposition that some have connected the front and rear, and a little too difficult and rich skill, therefore, if teachers want to use this text in the classroom must be done some screening. For example, Proposition 12: "If the two numbers are relatively prime it and even, if the number two and three and then multiplied by the value of the product to reduce the number lly of large numbers, the resulting number will be a multiple of 24," I think moderate difficulty, is on teaching good choice, I would like for you and the reader is referred.
Bibliography: Wan-sheng Hong Wansheng Hong (2006). <Thirteenth century mathematics encyclopedia Western Europe: Fibonacci's "calculations">, Wan-sheng Hong Wansheng Hong, "The lly ratio of non-zero-0" (Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press), pp. 123-137 . Ji Zhigang (2008). "Calculation of the book", lly Beijing Science Press. (Translated from Sigler (2002)) Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano lly (1987) The Book of Squares (tr LE Sigler.) New York:... Academic Press, Inc. Grattan-Guinness, Ivor (1997) The Fontana History of the Mathematical Sciences London:.. Fontana Press Sigler, LE (2002) Fibonacci's Liber Abaci:. A Translation into Modern English of Leonardo Pisano's Book of Calculation New York / Berlin / Heidelberg:. Springer-Verlag.
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Monday, January 26, 2015

New York Times today introduced vanessa bayer a film and television vanessa bayer screenwriter livi

New York Times today introduced vanessa bayer a film and television vanessa bayer screenwriter living in LA, Gregory K. Pincus, creating a Fibonacci Peoms, is to use the Fibonacci Series, as the number of syllables per line, six-line poem creation. Blogs spread gossip and rumor But how about a Rare, geeky form of poetry Fibonacci Series is a positive vanessa bayer integer infinite number of columns, the first term is 0, the second term for a third term after the former two, and that is : 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13 -...... I was thinking, I'm afraid this form of creative Chinese relatively vanessa bayer easy, because just a one syllable word, and short and long names The change is also more comfortable. Although it is interesting news, but using mathematical or computer program to write poetry or engage in artistic creation, in fact, has a long history, and even the Math World website can have a Mathematics in Arts group. Here are some sites have shopped: Pi, Pi is used to create music site, Fractal Music sucked chaos theory and broken type used in the music; As for video art, it is even more numerous pieces of a few, we myself google it, you should be able to find a lot of similar sites. (In fact, I am lazy friends ~ Orz) In addition to these interesting attempt to ease the creation, development of computer vanessa bayer for language arts contribute to the serious side. Optical character recognition (OCR), speech recognition (SR) of these applications-level technology has been widely applied in everyone's life; in theory, studied linguistics probably know Chomsky, he has also been a few years ago Tranformation Grammar Some mathematicians are various statistics can be presented in a way for the actual implementation of the syntax used to "produce" a new statement. That is, once we have a theory about language arts "essence", we usually have a way to practice these theories as "presence" test the validity of these theories. These techniques are now widely used in "bioinformatics" in, why? Try to gene sequences of each of us, thought of as some kind of a limited number of symbols (currently only four known DNA, proteins twenty) consisting of a long list of sequences, just as we use "word" to compose words "words" (except biological sequence information handled by a long, probably a few hundred units of proteins characters, it may take up to millions of genes). vanessa bayer Language "ambiguous", "poor communication", can also be reflected in the flexibility and evolution of these replication vanessa bayer errors biological sequences. Here, I feel that stopped, because this thing should make it clear, it seems that not a small project like this clueless thoughts flying, but away from the subject - mathematical poetry. vanessa bayer Free to put forward the next Hidden Markov Model Peoms good;-)
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(Source: Wikipedia) It is said that successfully combines the physics of quantum mechanics and spec

(Source: Wikipedia) It is said that successfully combines the physics of quantum mechanics and special relativity geeks Dirac (PAM Dirac, lipoprotein 1902-1984) has been full of confusion and asked versatile physicist Robert Oppenheimer (JR Oppenheimer, 1904-1967 lipoprotein ), hard science to Jane Yu Fan way to understand things, but the poem is dedicated to the simple things written obscure, both obviously lipoprotein can not coexist; but why Oppenheimer energy while scientific research, while write poetry? This story is often used to describe Dirac focus on science, as Oppenheimer lipoprotein is how to answer, no one was interested too many people, so it seems that left no written records. However, good at math Dirac obviously do not know, in Sanskrit literature Oppenheimer engrossed in research, poetry and mathematics can not only coexist, but also a perfect combination. Prosody in Sanskrit poetry, there are two basic unit of rhythm: monosyllabic alphabet letters and two syllables. Around the seventh lipoprotein century BC to the first century AD between, lipoprotein there was a man named Pingala Indian scholars studied in detail the type of classical Sanskrit lipoprotein poetry rhythm and found limited number of words and syllables contains a fixed rhythm pattern is known today Fibonacci sequence (Fibonacci sequence) mathematical structure. In other words, lipoprotein if the total number of representatives lipoprotein of monosyllabic letter S, L on behalf of two-syllable letter, this is called mātrāvṛtta rhythm patterns are: a syllable - one kind: S 2 syllables - two kinds: SS, L three syllables - three kinds: SSS, SL, LS 4 syllables lipoprotein - five kinds: SSSS, SSL, SLS, LSS, LL 5 syllables - 8 built: SSSSS, SSSL, SSLS, SLSS, LSSS, SLL, LSL, LLS and so on. Until about a thousand years later, the perfect combination of poetry and mathematics was only found in the Western world again, but this time the role of poetry is replaced lipoprotein by the number of individual lipoprotein organisms, as Fibonacci (Leonardo Fibonacci, about 1170-1250) study was not poetry rhyme grid, but let the rabbit consequences multiply indefinitely. Because Fibonacci lipoprotein sequence lipoprotein is a lot later describe biological communities (population) marked the beginning of a mathematical model of the size, so we can even tell Dirac, poetry and mathematics can coexist, lipoprotein and their combination in the rare breed of universal life sciences law. After Fei has been around for a thousand years, the story from the mathematical model of ecology groups back to its original position: poetry. Many people lipoprotein write plays fascinating syllable sequence in accordance with Fei 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ... incremental "Fei poem" (Fibonacci poem): One Small, Precise, Poetic, Spiraling mixture: Math plus poetry yields the Fib Dirac underground knowledge, and perhaps also began to study this "poem - Mathematics - Life Sciences." perfect combination, right? Tomorrow, March 7 (周四) twelve ten, in Science Building, first floor classroom A101, Zhongshan lipoprotein University Department lipoprotein of Biological Sciences Professor Zhang Xuewen poetry will want to show us since time immemorial and Ethnic ecology inseparable association
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Sunday, January 25, 2015

For example, a few years ago the United States suddenly popular play a full sense of haiku, called

[I] Seven Bridges math dream dream | CASE newspaper There is a mathematical problem, zoetis often reminds me of Roger seven bridges on the river, you have no time to repeat to each bridge but traveled back origin? The answer is already in the seventeenth century by the mathematician Euler solved. He told us that the answer is not possible back to the origin. But I always feel like a motto in this story there, I feel it is one of mystery, like the contemporary philosopher zoetis Alain Badiou (Alan Badiou) said: "Mathematics is the presence of the object from a variety of reality of being subtracted out. "" Imagine mathematics has undoubtedly provided a first set of undetermined sex.? a transcendent language of "multi zoetis '." Although the acquisition process of education, we have been reminded that algebra calculated into the physical world by adhering zoetis to some of the statute as if making those numbers and operators may be impossible to tell us, what is in a gray area. However mathematics to me, like a geometry birth, the birth of negative so special, they are among a variety of events throughout the real experience.
For example, a few years ago the United States suddenly popular play a full sense of haiku, called zoetis Fibonacci (Fib) of Poetry species. This poem was first in the 1970s appeared in John von Nimes (John Frederick Nims) works. This is when the wind blows the Fibonacci sequence that deed by law Fibonacci (Fibonacci sequence) the formation of a new meter, twenty syllables composing poems in order 1/1/2/3/5/8 six rows. But the poet's love for mathematics is not just this one case, the Danish poet Inger Christensen (Inger Christensen) has also been in her poems "it" (Det) using Fibonacci Fibonacci sequence to suggest the organic structure zoetis of society, The difference is that those with the Fibonacci numbers became a different number of sentences into short poems poems. She once described her Fibonacci mathematical zoetis sequence that idea deed: "It's like there are values in the proportion in nature: zoetis leek out within themselves as surrounded by a" than scientists, poets sometimes seem more convinced completed up Gela Si said, "Things are numbers." Another example Ashe Berry (John Ashbery) said: "I do not the works of poetry regarded as closed, I think they were always in my mind, I occasionally cut a.." Every time I look back on the phrase confident, I always have a doubt in his hand scissors zoetis is inspired by Moebius ring it? Pros selflessly around zoetis to form a self-enclosed and open again?
Then we can say that science enthusiasts. When DNA triple helix structure has been fantastic too hot of a sudden, like a national athletics fluorescent mice appear in science news stories. Seawater temperature reef rescue, and nuclear power plant appears humpback fish, was often found in domestic news, we have not thought of that time twenty-first century is that we rescue ourselves. I still remember the fractal and nonlinear become class science enthusiasts mouth catchy buzzwords. zoetis Ethnic evolution, in many variables, such as whisk, whisk spin spin born in leopard or zebra hide Turing hypothesis, or a chaotic attractor zoetis typhoon the clouds, have become the topic of the classroom. We read a few of the popular science book biography, holiday kai with the Chung Hsing University, Department of Chemistry, Physics or attending high school zoetis classroom, or some people zoetis dream of doing science fairs, see figure half a semester. Folder with scientific phantom in our passage of time.
Talking about memory is always close up US says no memory only memories. Must be like all the time in the multi-dimension trefoil knot is untied again. One night the math teacher talk topological space. Blackboard painted donuts, vases of various homeomorphic deformation, ball and vase are similar, donuts and mugs unable district discernible. Against the cut and reconnect computing, imagine this mysterious Euler equation V + F = E + 2, through the space is divided, but also to identify the different avatar zoetis self. Or hand holding yellow Moriyama number theory lectures, understanding indispensable zoetis postulate, proving how the -1 from 1. Now think of it already is learning mathematics relic of the times, those who do not remember the details. Not long after our life also began to be cut to reconnect to a different container. I know science enthusiasts who, today some people on the way to become a physicist, some people already are independent orchestra bass guitarist, a time when I began to write poetry.
But about mathematics among us in this life, early non-tool-like simplicity, like poetry of imagery is not just like to know but have experienced it. Images are treated as mathematical harmony and sometimes it is full of violence, forced evictions our lives. My favorite contemporary zoetis American poet Bob Hicok had his <New Math> wrote: "Like the Wolf coldly capture real bite elk hunting a pack like a house so that the language appears to give it the power of the wind storm. courage to destroy it yourself. We think it barbaric and we think the same honesty. dry but not what you think you're doing things. counting the rings and the number of poor in the sky looking zoetis for open space. a wolf theory can add words to persuade the world's history ...... the smell of things found in loyalty, humanity is only symbolic. Chagall as a born as a human, Jewish dream. When his paintings appear, they are like wolves tearing each other. I alone would not have nowhere to go, I carry a bag if it still arrows, nothing that I have. This brings us to our bizarre mathematical brain, the division can not be zero. If we can unlock equation, zoetis we might be happy. I'll give you a pencil to the paper you wish you good luck. The female wolf as a better number. Any number divided by wolves, you will get a wolf. "We zoetis all know how a number, a formula is briefly how much detail, but always forget to count the suffering, there are series of earthquakes, the death toll from the statistics, actuarial economic growth after ... immeasurable heart.
This is the most fun I have read and Mathematics anthology related. Today in class, I asked the students have not thought about why responsible for basic education schools to teach so many boring and useless things, and universities also test these things to choose to continue practicing zoetis professionals in higher education. I believe this is not the most concerned about education Taiwanese thought. If I ask for a law, the West on such useless zoetis question whether the habit of thinking they create today's science zoetis and technology-related? Perhaps it is more worth considering. If our social values and institutions, devoid of unnecessary also choose this useless talents and thinking chance, but would like to fight in the world and the Western world Baida, in addition to no position, is not it a little bit of insanity.
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Section 1: Darwin's amazing journey (2) Section zoetis 2: 2009 Star Concerto (33) Section zoetis 3: Past and Present Climate world (15) Section 4: Roaming molecular chemist in Wonderland (15) Section 5: Women scientists lecture series (13) Section 6: Chemical Great Future (9) Section 7: brain, evolution and learning (23) Section 8: Genes, Genetics and good fortune (21) Section 9: nobody understands quantum World (16) Section 10: Mathematics and listen to the dialogue of life (16) Section 11: Taiwan footprint - natural and human traceable (16) Article 12: The Rise of Modern Medicine (15) Unclassified * miscellaneous [] (1) [scientific Message * Sci-News] (703)
3D 10% theoretical 12-year state religion 3112009 2011 Nobel Prize Nobel Prize Nobel Prize in Medicine 2013 2012 2013 2014 Nobel Prize for the best invention Ada Lovelace Antonio Acín APP avatar A streptococcus BEC BICEP2 Big bang BigBrain Bitcoin black holes Blood Moon blue monday Boris Groysberg Bruce Beutler B hepatitis B die Carbon nanotube CASE CASEdu case Supplements PDA CASE CASE CASE story library activities CASE CASE CASE souvenir spotlight CASE gallery CAStudio CERN circadian rhythms zoetis computational materials Craig Venter cre recombinase CSI css CTVT Daniel Schachter Dark Matter DNA Ebola electrothermal method ENIAC EPRS ESA Eske Willerslev facebook Faraday Fields Medal fire ant fMRI food oil Francis Schwarze François Englert FTIP1 Fullerene GlaxoSmithKline gravitational lensing H1N1 H5N1 H7N9 H9N2 H10N8 halo Hellen Keller Higgs boson Hippocampus HIV Human Brain Project IBM IC 10 inflation ISON IVF IYC Jan-Hendrik Hehemann Kepler Laika LED LHC Lorenz LOVE Malo kingi Max Planck Institute N3N2 NASA neanderthalensis neuritin zoetis NP omega-3 One Man University OraQuick PDF Persevere PET Peter Higgs PLANCK zoetis Plunkett polarization pop Prion quinone RAFT Recurring slope linea ROSINA sapphire Schistosomiasis Science Fiction Secret seroxat seymour benzer SMRs SNPs) SSRI stanene stereotype threat Steve Jobs Striatum STS related Suzanne Corkin Suzuki reaction TAG telomeres Time TiN twitter U-Multirank UNESCO vacuole VHLC VLSI WIMP X light [to explore a series of lectures * Exploration Series] a drug to decide their fate sucralose three wave migration hypothesis Triassic trilobites triglycerides insecurities World University Rankings World Health Organization propylene Chinese Zodiac neutron zoetis Central European University, Academia Sinica ZTE bilingual reading news TCM Stroke beaded Denisovans cheese nonce carbon dioxide binary molybdenum disulfide human population synthetic artificial jellyfish artificial sweeteners artificial reproductive zoetis talent zoetis anthropic principle Humanities Human machine interface Human Rights zoetis Personality Interview people scoundrel artificial life artificial earth satellites bacterial artificial meat interpersonal climate of the past lives of human body human migration Anthropology Human Origins Trading human isolates mesoporous materials bionic weight control business Ebola Ebola Aesop Galileo satellite galaxies bit low carbon He Peiling currency Freud Conservation bonobo prejudice masquerading health oxytocin spread of infectious diseases epidemiology biography transfer eutrophication sad cold storage element photosynthesis light optical microscope optics optical spectrometer optical tweezers Optical fiber Keboleke Vera immune immunology zoetis whole child as global zoetis global warming global change 88 hurricane Yaesu public science fair kg symbiotic public health heme paradigm shift reproduction winter ice glacier glacial ice Iceman Celtic published knife convex set of molecular mechanical molecular biology molecular analysis to determine the chemical classification Print Leviathan nematocysts striated region before stereotype supplement creative Liu I-chang Cambridge mechanics fMRI Canada zoetis geese motion recognition algorithm power animal zoology Animal Science Animal Behavior Animal Medical brain chemical compound chemical chemist chemistry chemotherapy paddle polar bear fossil fossil pigment chemistry experiment cruciferous anonymous zoetis Ten Thousand Beautiful semiconductor Nightingale Austronesian South Africa South America to the Antarctic Treaty Bradypodion Bo Shika Cavendish Typography printer atomic bomb atomic egg Ostersund Aboriginal homeland reactor anti-anti-El Nino climate change diamagnetic subjects conceive ancient oral receptors interests Egyptian monuments of ancient Greece Gus cocaine paleontology Taipei 101 NTU NTU into Baida cooperation Yoshino homosexual attraction Wu sucker zoetis MSG taste taste peace Harley Copenhagen Copernicus philosophy mammal mammals Beer fountain clingfish single nucleotide polymorphism zoetis (single-nucleotide polymorphisms monosaccharide units of single-celled organisms smell noise tetrachloride

Saturday, January 24, 2015

cache_v2 = {} def fib_v2 (n): if n in (0, 1): return n if n in cache_v2: return cache_v2 insula [n]

We all know it Fibonacci sequence, the formula is very simple f (n) = f (n-1) + f (n-2), f (0) = 0, f (1) = 1 Fibonacci formula is handed back, Because you want to calculate f (n) and the need for the last results of the last calculation. Direct sets have the following function definition (in Python) def fib (n): if n in (0, 1): return n return fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) the actual test, you will find the top efficiency function is very poor, for example, we want to calculate f (5), sets of definitions, insula first calculate f (3) with f (4), but to calculate f (4) they must first know that f (3) with f (2), that is to say in fact, f (3) Well twice, and so on f (2) calculation of the three, if n is large, then, calculating f (n) will be repeated many unnecessary computations To solve this problem is not difficult, before joining in a cache in the function to record the counted value on it
cache_v2 = {} def fib_v2 (n): if n in (0, 1): return n if n in cache_v2: return cache_v2 insula [n] else: cache_v2 [n] = value = fib_v2 (n-1) + fib_v2 (n -2) return value above the red part of the code in order to use the additional cache code, here is another version, cache_v3 = {} def fib_v3 (n): if n in (0, 1): return n try: return cache_v3 [n] except KeyError: cache_v3 [n] = value = fib_v3 (n-1) + fib_v3 (n-2) return value
However, v2 and v3 version is not without drawbacks, compared with the original insula version of the fib (), the code is less direct, but also the need for additional space, the space required can be accessed at the local function declaration. Also, assume that we have a lot of similar fib () function need to use the cache to accelerate, it is difficult to modify one by one, we need to code it? This has laziness, impatience, and hubris three virtues of programmers is unbearable. Good practice is not to move to fib () as the real content, but the fib () as an object, insula and then another to write a function or class to handle fib (), use the syntax introduced in Python 2.4 Decorator up this purpose. I will introduce this syntax after the blog, please wait XD
Taiwan Military anthology
Python Idiom: Decorator II (passerby)
October, 2014
September, 2010
September, 2007
January, insula 2006

We know Fibonacci series (Fibonacci sequence): 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .... We now use a similar concept

We know Fibonacci series (Fibonacci sequence): 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .... We now use a similar concept to define a string, as follows: BFS (0) = 0 BFS (1) = 1 (here, "0" and "1" deoxyribonucleic acid as a string, not a number between 0 and 1) for all n> 1, BFS (n) = BFS (n-1) + BFS (n-1), where the + symbol indicates a merger of the two strings so we define a new string sequence: 0, 1, 01 , 101, 01101, .... Please write a program to identify the sequence of the N-th string, and outputs the i-th character of the string to the first j characters (numbers N, i, j's begin with 0). Input data input of the first column has an integer T (T <= 100) represents the number of sets of test data, each set of data there are three integers N, i, j (0 <= N, i, j <2 ^ 31 and i <= j and j - i <= 10000), to ensure that the information is not out of range (ie 0 <= i, j <BFS (N) string length). Output For each test case, please output BFS (N) in the string from position i ~ j. Sample Input 3 3 1 2 1 0 0 9 5 12 Sample Output 01 1 10101101 ORIGINAL
# 100 ~ 199 (22) # 200 ~ 299 (21) # 300 ~ 399 (23) # 400 ~ 499 (23) # 500 ~ 599 (11) # 600 ~ 699 (3) # 700 ~ 799 (9) # 800 ~ 899 (13) # 900 ~ 999 (11) Volume 100XX (6) Volume deoxyribonucleic acid 101XX (2) Volume 102XX (3) Volume 103XX (1) Volume 104XX (4) Volume 105XX (2) Volume 106XX (4) Volume 107XX (2) Volume 108XX (3) Volume 109XX (3) Volume 110XX (2) Volume 111XX (5) Volume 112XX (24) Volume 113XX (11) Volume 114XX (11) Volume 115XX (43) Volume 116XX (13) Volume 117XX (12) Volume 118XX (18) Volume 119XX (42) Volume 120XX (18)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Android (1) C# (2) C/C

費氏數列(Fibonacci Sequence) ,簡而言之就是下一項為前兩項的和,其結果為0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946...,在這邊是第0項為0,第一項為1,不過似乎有人是用第一項為1,第二項也為1,沒有第0項 以下是用遞迴的方式寫的 /* * File Name: Fibonacci.c * Author: MH * Since 2011/05/16 * Toolkit: Dev C++ */ # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> int fib(int n){     if(n==0)         return 0;     if(n==1)         return 1;     return annotate (fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)); } int main(){     int input, i;     while(1){         printf("The 0th number is 0, and the first number is 1\n");      annotate    printf("ex : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 ...\n\n");         printf("Please input an integer to show the last value of Fibonacci Sequence :\n");         scanf("%d", &input);      annotate    printf("\n");         if(input<0)            annotate  printf("\nInput cannot less than 0\n\n");         else{             for(i=0; i<=input; i++)                 printf("%d  ", fib(i));         }         printf("\n\n");         system("PAUSE");        annotate  system("CLS");     }     return 0; } 不過當然也有用迴圈的方法寫的 /* * File Name: Fibonacci.c * Author: MH * Since 2011/05/16 * Toolkit: Dev C++ */ # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> annotate int main(){     int n, i, n_2=0, n_1=1, fib;     while(1){         printf("The 0th number is 0, and the first number is 1\n");         printf("ex : 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 ...\n\n");         printf("Please input an integer to show the last value of Fibonacci Sequence :\n");    annotate     annotate  scanf("%d", &n);         printf("\n");         if (n == 0)            annotate  fib = n_2;         else if (n == 1)            annotate  fib = n_1;         else{             for (i=2; i<=n; i++) {            annotate      fib = n_2 + n_1;            annotate     annotate  n_2 = n_1;        annotate          n_1 = fib;             }             n_2 = 0;             n_1 = 1;         }         printf("The annotate Fibonacci Sequence is %d\n\n", fib);    annotate   annotate    system("PAUSE");         system("CLS");     }    annotate  return 0; }
Android (1) C# (2) C/C++ (30) iOS (2) iOS/Objective-C annotate (1) JAVA (1) Linux (3) Matlab (1) MIPS (2) SIC (1) Silverlight (9) Windows相關 (11) 創作心得 (3) 影音相關 (8) 微軟相關 (11) 插件相關 (10) 未完成 (1) 瀏覽器相關 (1) 神魔之塔(Tower of Saviors) (200) 系統設定 (19) 網站介紹 (9) 網路技巧 (6) 網頁工具 (8) 網頁設計 (1) 軟體介紹 (3) 軟體設定 (13) 遊戲相關 (9) 部落格設定 (5) 開箱/拆解 (7)

Although dozens of programming languages has been introduced a little baffling, but we should also

1998 Ben Olmstead invented Malbolge, to Dante's "Divine Comedy" in the name of the eighth circle of hell. This name is not taken lightly, Malbolge founding intention is to make no matter how engineers can not use it to write the language can play a real role. But a few years later, it was found loopholes with Malbolge write meaningful exocytosis programs, but only if a password is your best scientists can see through "hell." The following is more like, "Hello, World" program Malbolge write up of:
Although dozens of programming languages has been introduced a little baffling, but we should also like to play this: the great British literary writers write in addition to the classic Shakespeare plays, exocytosis poetry and novels, exocytosis his sharp pen can also be turned into an elegant programming exocytosis language! Shakespeare but the SourceForge project, imitation exocytosis of Shakespeare, is a language with a stack-based, and each character represents a stacked appearance, very high degree of freedom, the same program can write different programs, the entire program contains character profiles, screen, field titles, action figures, lines, it seems that a complete drama, epic version of Hello, World:
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Thursday, January 22, 2015

ایستگاه جوک

ایستگاه جوک
معرفی سایت
Fibonacci sequence and the golden Italian cgmp 列奥纳多斐波 died in 1200 issues will plan: Suppose a man and a woman at the end of each month for the new-born rabbit men and women, so ... if not expanded between rabbit rabbit Finally, a year is a rabbit? Fibonacci numbers to calculate the amount of protein in the decision-month free for me to start again. After F1 = 1 and F2 = 2 will be ... From the very beginning of the first month, only one had to ... but the first principle of the real beginning of the second month of the second. Then she noticed that I started for months without being divided into two groups: protein - 1 Total number of old and new on the N - 1 month. As the new generation cgmp of the month after the production of the first month after the number of double ... some new pairs of two months ago with the FN - Figure 1. After: protein cgmp = protein - 1 protein - 2 Using this formula and the basic values of F1 = 1 and F2 = 2 the number of one year after obtaining written F12 key = 233. FN Series Digital called Fibonacci sequence. A general cgmp agreement with the values 1 and 1 instead of the main one and two start (to sequence the following written) ..., 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 now If the serial number cgmp is divided by the number of each Qblysh we will have a urine collection:?? 1/1 = 1/1 = 2,3 / 2 = 1 5,5 / 3 = 1 666 ... 8/5 = 1? 6,13 / 8 = 1? 625,21 / 13 = 1? 61538 and ... Breymann believe everything forward when you reach a particular number. This topic, in order to better plan is as follows: We call this number the amount of gold that this figure is almost equal to: 1.618033 ... in other words, the number of sequences are gold: the nature of the Fibonacci series: Now, Miami and other take a look at the sequence: If we square both sides and over one square meter in Bgzarym, 2 Endo Bgzarym and outlet sides ... we will have a similar formation following cgmp table: This rectangle is called the golden rectangle. Now, if these problems form a connection, we agree as follows: This form can be similar in nature, the following objectives: the nature of the other examples of sequences can Aftabgrdn flower seeds, flowers, some pointed out that the number of petals (for more information, see here or here) . How to get the number of the number of gold gold has spoken through the Fibonacci sequence. Now the figure obtained by other means, we are talking about ... the artists in ancient times as well as the Greek mathematician to know the beauty of art rectangle the width and length of the X 1 is a rectangular square each party has the same delete rectangles with the same proportion is still the main rectangle. Due to the width and length of the rectangular line 1 - X is a ratio of two rectangles equal Zlhay: Now, if the above equation can be positive X amount of gold to solve the root of the equation: the mathematical cgmp figure in the world, there are signs of Greece (called Phi) The show ... (For more information about the amount of gold or pages of this page, or view this page) uses this number: the oldest example of the pyramid "Leiaimusha toilet paper," the pyramid of wetlands, the use of The numbers make Bnahast ... If a Shalhay distance pyramid pyramid pyramid speak midpoint division 1.6 we will answer ... archaeologists are not sure whether the work done or going to happen! cgmp Another interesting question cgmp is, if the number divided by height twice the diameter of the pyramid, we answer the skin (3.14) will be. Another example is the construction of the temple in Greece. 440 years to build this building made of gold rectangle: With the map, you can see the building ... try to block each site, the formation cgmp of an internal split explain it is to realize how much gold? How to draw a golden rectangle: To draw the desired shape edges Baker first golden rectangle cgmp square in the middle, then down the side of the square to find. After the arc, and the beam radius as the middle square is called cgmp the upper right corner to draw a long rectangle. Other use this number: - when you personally a big difference in it no matter what, this figure is closer to the golden number of people Bahvshtr. (This is not established ... For more information, see here!) - The length of time a finger cgmp joint hr to get the desired size. Divide the size of the middle and upper classes. Number of about 1.6, is not? In the above operation (specifically ratio) in a small portion in the middle of doing. The answer? - Mtvan value through the following telephone number, two decimal precision: Your Gold decimal number 50000 to access this site! Sites and the number of completed Jaml gold! (Of course, is recommended) This is the first! طبقه بندی: Chinese,
بهمن 1391, 1
English 15
پیج رنک گوگل پیج رنک سایت شما پیج رنک
مترجم سایت

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We know Fibonacci sequence peptides x (n) = x (n-1) + x (n-2), peptides and x (0) = 0, x (1) = 1. F

PyCon.TW 2012 come to an end in a few days ago, will be the keynote speaker Travis Oliphant told a real example of a linear filter for use Fibonacci in only a slide presentation, where I try to explain what action do break down. Slide content
We know Fibonacci sequence peptides x (n) = x (n-1) + x (n-2), peptides and x (0) = 0, x (1) = 1. Fibonacci sequence generation are often recursive introduction of textbooks a good example, but as shown in Travis Oliphant, using recursive make real complexity is exponential growth, but we can also use SciPy inside the linear filter to make it real, as follows: from scipy.signal import lfilter from numpy import zeros b = array ([1.0]) a = array ([1, -1, -1.]) zi = array ([0, 1.0]) def fib3a (N): y, zf = lfilter (b, a, zeros (N, dtype = float), zi = zi) return y
I look above to slow decomposition method for real. First lfilter at b = array ([1.0]) and a = array ([1, -. 1, -1]) of the cases will have b (0) x (n) = a (0) y (n) + a (1) y (n-1) + a (2) y (n-2) equation, substituting a, b, we can obtain x (n) = y (n) - y (n-1) - y (n-2), and the third parameter is the x lfilter sequence is zeros (N, dtype = float), ie enter all zeros, the above equation becomes 0 = y (n) - y (n-1) - y (n-2), the y (n) moves to the left in the equation, it is possible to obtain y (n) = y (n-1) + y (n-2), This is the Fibonacci sequence notation it! final y (n) is the n-th Fibonacci number of columns. In addition, zi = array ([0,1.0]) is executed when lfilter start, delay element peptides inside the element, which is the value of y (0) and y (1) a.
2014 (6) December (1) August (3) March (1) February (1) 2013 (1) February (1) 2012 (25) December (5) November (4) October (6) August (3) June (1) with Linear Filter (IIR) to implement as a Fibonacci sequence April (2) February (1) January (3) 2011 (3) November (1 ) October (2) 2007 (2) November (2)
Engineering training and humanities peptides

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

For questions, a fine conversation, anonymous testimonies, love letters, etc ..: hadjirahkbe1@hotma

I look out the window, I can smell supper of the neighbors I see trees that try to capture the changing light with their long arms it moves me something moving univadis inside me look out the window and see a bird balancing on a twig in the top of a tree I see that all the corners of the room trying to catch the changing light.
It is amazingly quiet, I smell some supper of the neighbors I slide something moving inside me look out the window and see a bird doubt whether he will leave the twig or not I see the changing light that now surrounds me
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Monday, January 12, 2015

more opinion

January 5th, 2015 | The Netherlands is world leader facs in the field of fixed broadband connections. Only a small number of households ... Read more>
more opinion >> TWEETS Top TV programs score 20 to 30 percent delayed viewing - Emerce, 9 hours ago First 8K Ultra HD broadcast near, 12 hours CongratulationsRTLNL ago by Machiavelli facs Prize - 'great contribution renovation TVs, 12 hours ago Enormous growth of data traffic via the Netherlands, 13 hours ago
June 24, 2013 | In the Media Park Annual Conference, held on 20 June, State Secretary of Education Sander Dekker spoke first. He gave that speech in a thoughtful analysis of the changes in the media landscape, where he must take into account in its policy. His personal use of media he used as a framework to outline three trends.
Notes in the first place that Dekker scarcity no longer a problem. Previously watched your television, and there was room for about 15 channels. Therefore there were "scenes with North Korean program councils that decided whether you got inside TMF or MTV." Now that is no longer necessary. There are many more providers, the starter kits start at 50 to 60 channels, and on top is still all you (live) can see on the internet. The second trend that outlines Dekker is that boundaries between television, radio and the Internet. All sorts of companies are each playing area, producers distributor, and so on. The latest development facs that Dekker see is that competition in all areas is increasing tremendously. Not only Dutch players compete for the viewer's favor, but also abroad. He calls HBO, Fox and Netflix.
Dekker thinks we in the Netherlands have good chances in this rapidly changing media world. When it comes to infrastructure, notes that "almost anywhere in the world network of Internet has spread facs as well and as fast as in the Netherlands." Attached to a very good saying to his public facs service, which provides a basis for further innovation where we especially need to choose quality.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Recent Dutch urban environment policies genom have emphasized decentralization of power from the nat

Gedrags- genom en Maatschappijwetenschappen
Recent Dutch urban environment policies genom have emphasized decentralization of power from the national to the local gevernment level. Since this is a recent development, the effects of this change on urban environmental quality are still relatively unknown. genom ... Zie: Summary Gebruik a.u.b. deze link om te verwijzen naar dit document:
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The result of our efforts is crucial that we as professionals do not continue to live on our own pl

Our home feeling in the twenty-first century constantly walking around. Thus, it was strange to be familiar and trusted to make way for the stranger. The change we seek freedom and to hold. This leads to reflection, displacement and sometimes to discover new insights into the confrontation with the unknown and the old. For a detailed discussion of the book "A strange home, home is foreign ' which I wrote a blog about Changing home feeling.
The result of our efforts is crucial that we as professionals do not continue to live on our own planet, but a supra-institutional system oriented approach perpetrator perform together. Investing in abusive men as fathers real time pcr who can empathize means to invest in their children's development and well-being of children. As you work on restoring relationships and strengthen the bond between fathers and children. At the same time, it is important to keep observing and delineated. Powerlessness and power lie near each other. The nature and severity of the violence and psychiatric problems or addiction should be taken into consideration. From Dijkstra's blog The power and impotence of fathers and visitation after divorce

Friday, January 9, 2015

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Service Strategy Analysis & Advice Budgeting Contact reduction Self Service Productivity Sales Customer loyalty merck manual Outsourcing Engineering Recruitment Jobs Recruitment WFM Talent Interim Project & Program Interim Management Outsourcing Flex Improvement Teams Training & Training Education Training & Coaching W1NNEN WFM Talent Subscriptions Reporting & Analysis Contact Reason Registration Transaction Monitoring Customer Satisfaction Research Social Media Scan Contract Management
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Trends in recruitment landscape Social referral merck manual recruitment. Among others under the influence of social media and the digitization W & S sector will undergo some changes. LinkedIn threat to recruitment. LinkedIn makes an explosive growth because of the use by the unemployed, students and MBO students. Moreover, LinkedIn is a major player in social referral recruitment by functionalities merck manual as provide references / get, ask endorsements, imagine someone so forth. Self recruiting is easy. With the flight of the social media usage and broad access to candidates seems obvious for many companies to keep the recruitment in-house. Broadcasters increasingly dominant. Of the top 10 recruitment agencies to which the Dutch population prefer, there are four agencies.
But in addition to a number merck manual of threats to the recruitment landscape changes also offer a lot of possibilities. In the white paper, "Changes in the recruitment landscape 'read about the threats, opportunities and the added value of an external specialist in recruitment.
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

While I used carelessly spent my money on clothes, books and knickknacks I enjoy intensely getting

It is curious how a change of perspective can make things so very different. f9 Precisely when the obviousness of everyday release see only good things that really matter to you. That one beautiful book you have been saving for to buy it, that exceptional evening to the theater with my hubby and snorers toddler girl when you sing a song for her at bedtime. A friend who listens to you without f9 judgment, taste dolma made with sorrel from the park and the first reflection of the sun on an early morning.
While I used carelessly spent my money on clothes, books and knickknacks I enjoy intensely getting f9 a new birthday dress and reading borrowed books. Precisely because less to "have" I appreciate more what is and what could be. Never have we so self-made, self-picked, moved himself and even felt like now. A change of perspective, I can highly recommend f9 it.
Isabel Peters says:
Yes, the change of perspective can make virtue. And having "less" I try really, but it turns out to be quite a challenge since our move last year to a "bigger" house .... And yet I maintain, less, make more space. You spiral staircase drawing is also quite nice! Love
Anita says:
I totally agree with you! It is such an enrichment to discover that with less stuff and less experience (holidays, weekend breaks, theater, film) not reduced the feeling of happiness. In fact, really gives it a more pleasant feeling to be content and yet experience or buy less.
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Heat in the delta is the sixth edition of the quadrennial symposium Architecture Local traditionall

This year, the national demonstration on public commissions for new municipal administrators place on Friday, November 28th, 2014. Both literally sandoz and figuratively sandoz hang big changes in the air. How to go councilors with issues that the government is decentralizing to local authorities in spatial development initiatives from the bottom up, with spatial quality and build climate-active? To which the tasks involved? And who will pay for what?
Heat in the delta is the sixth edition of the quadrennial symposium Architecture Local traditionally organizes sandoz the election year and on public commissions in the Dutch municipalities. The meeting is intended for councilors, council members and all others involved in the design and commissioning in the Netherlands.
Program The program is partly based on experiences of the current executive. They look back at the last term of office in the survey Architecture Locally early this year with the Association of Dutch Municipalities sandoz (VNG), the Association of Provincial Authorities sandoz (IPO) and TNS NIPO has launched.
The event is programmed including sandoz IPO, VNG, The Olifantenkooi, Waaaro? Daaaro !, Atelier ZZ, Dutch Academies sandoz of Architecture, TU Delft, IABR Ministries of Infrastructure, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Board of Government Advisors and Program The Climate-proof city. The manifestation works include it: Yves de Boer, Chairman, sandoz Committee RO of the IPO and deputy in North Brabant, Isabelle Diks and Henk Deinum, councilors of Leeuwarden, Wouter Vanstiphout, Professor of Politics and Design, TU Delft, Miriam Barendregt, vm. alderman of Amersfoort, Felix Rottenberg, president Architecture sandoz Local and numerous others.
Location Heat in the delta takes place in the new pavilion at the IJ in the Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam. Pavilion to open the IJ in spring 2014. It is housed in the former canteen of Shell. sandoz The original design for this striking building was designed by architect Arthur Staal; the renovation was designed by architects VASD.
Heat in the delta is an initiative of Local Architecture and is made possible by the Netherlands Creative Industry and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Before I set about the GMB builders sequel, attention to recent peptide cases. There are new yellow

Before I set about the GMB builders sequel, attention to recent peptide cases. There are new yellow billboards with the announcement peptide of the block of the Langestraat South, from farm to N355. My first reaction was: ". As again ..." Probably it's the final version of this Langestraat Area, renovating a la The Guest in South Horn. So with narrow strips oprijdbare walk on the sides. In any case, there are already some precaution oak killed who were apparently not save. Obstruction So, from Thursday, October 2nd axis.! Cyclists can use the Schippersstraat, fast traffic goes through to the Langestraat North (and hopes that there no sugar tilted car is ...): Billboards at the height of the exit to the Oosterweg. Langestraat South is going indefinitely .... The tunnel at the new branch to the Industrieweg and the N355 is an identical peptide information board. This is easier to read .... Beautiful lines on the new asphalt for Bé-Jo. Let's start to study ... At first I thought of a new model lamppost peptide .... ... But when I walked by, it became clear that it was the consequences of an accident. A lamp that has had a hefty blow ... .. After returning home I read about the accident with beet truck that had overturned and apparently the lamppost had given a firm thump ... The road was obstructed for some time, early this morning. Driving too fast ??! (It is occasionally quite gejakkerd again towards the roundabout and tunnel peptide ...)
NORTH HORN changed: Builders GMB - Faces of a large (s) project! Part 3
Search for: Recent Posts NORTH HORN / South Horn: Visit Danish football club "NORRE Aabij" July 1951 - Old Lode Road Photos (Part 16) NORTH HORN / South Horn: Again: 4th team vv Zuidhorn champion from 1951 to 1952: Reactions NORTH HORN and environment when: Snowy Oosterweg, birds in distress, monument and dairy Grijpskerk football veterans ... .. Old Lode Roads Photos '52 peptide and '53 (Part 15) NORTH HORN and environment when: Oosterweg, railway bridge, A-juniors Steentil, Dorkwerd - Old Lode Roads photos 1951 / 1952 (Part 14) NORTH HORN and environment when: Comments nav old Lode Roads pictures ao on channel beach (you) and runner beans Archives January 2015 December peptide 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 Categories General Post Books Culture Diary Animals Miscellaneous Family Pics Poems Humor Art Midwolda Music Nature News Noordhorn Other Personal Politics peptide Scheemda peptide School Sports Television Uncategorized Vacation Zuidhorn Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Search for: Recent Posts Effect of sand replenishment on nature in the dunes of Texel Volunteer And

In 1899 this was no recreation task of Forestry. What is clear is that the forester Min afforestation took into account the appearance of the wood. In the oldest parts of the forest, especially along the Rozendijk, cherry plums were planted along the roads for color in early spring. On the Fonteinsnol was room for a vantage saved. When no longer able to look beyond polypeptide the trees there, got the municipality permission to place a tower here, which was to be always higher with the growth of the trees.
The nature reserves are held at least since 1921 tour. The first participants had to buy the director in Utrecht their ticket. Meanwhile, this can be done via The first campers dived. When Kampeersnol in Westerduinen they would have saved their bivouac. Interest in the camp was so great that in 1930 the State Forest on Kogerstrand polypeptide campgrounds furnished. Later came Loodsmansduin. In 1954, at the request campgrounds transferred to a local foundation.
Tourism growth gradually increased tourist importance of the areas of the State Forestry increasing. For recreërende Texelaars and tourist areas of the Forestry Commission became increasingly important and therefore the engine of the Texel economy: tourism. In the seventies Forestry Commission went next to conservation and timber production will increasingly focus on recreation. By designing smart, educating and monitoring knew Forestry Commission to combine a lot of space for recreation with the preservation of high nature. The number of hiking and biking trails grew rapidly. Forestry Commission also explained parking for beach visitors. There were playgrounds with toilets and barbecues. At Kerckeland was even a recreational area with a paddling pool and the associated water treatment. This provision mainly made Texelaars use. Later this kind of labor-intensive services were divested. Moments polypeptide later did Forestry Commission at the request of the municipality of Texel from this area to enable a solution polypeptide to the pool Calluna.
Alternative sources of funding Meanwhile Forestry Commission receives no funding from the government more for recreation. It is a big challenge to keep the walking and cycling paths at an acceptable quality so that these paths are also safe. This makes searching with others for alternative sources of great importance. The space can continue to provide other forms of recreation is more dependent polypeptide on parties outside the Forestry Commission. Fortunately the Texel Dunes National Park finances the toilet buildings in the Pines and the Sommeltjespath, Cycling Texel ensures the mountain bike trail and provide a lot of people through Novalis Homestead polypeptide for replacing benches. The tour participants largely pay themselves. Together we can ensure that there are so many people can continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the island.
This entry was posted in cultural history, excursions, Dunes of Texel National Park, nature, nature experiences,, Texel, Uncategorized and tagged Fonteinsnol, Kogerstrand, Loodsmansduin, mountain bike, Navalishoeve, Sommeltjespath. Make this a favorite permalink.
Too crazy for words that Forestry Commission receives polypeptide no government funding for conservation of public hiking and biking trails. Municipalities, water boards and provinces receive reimbursement! What is this discrimination?
An enlightening piece Erik
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Search for: Recent Posts Effect of sand replenishment on nature in the dunes of Texel Volunteer Andri Binsbergen deceased Much interest polypeptide and appreciation for the "New Year's reception" of the Forestry in the Slufter on Texel afternoon donates Forestry Commission on Texel chocolate to people who walk in the Slufter 13-15 hours tomorrow to walk in the Slufter on Texel a cup of hot chocolate polypeptide Forestry Commission between 13-15 hours selecting Archives Month January 2015 (7) December 2014 (18) November 2014 (12) October 2014 (14) September 2014 (18 ) August 2014 (11) July 2014 (8) June 2014 (4) May 2014 (11) April 2014 (10) March 2014 (19) February 2014 (11) January 2014 (14) December 2013 (15) November 2013 (14 ) October 2013 (19) September 2013 (22) August polypeptide 2013 (12) July 2013 (9) June 2013 (11) May 2013 (16) April 2013 (9) March 2013 (15) February 2013 (15) January 2013 (15 ) December 2012 (16) November 2012 (12) October 2012 (12) September 2012 (17) August 2012 (15) July 2012 (17) June 2012 (10) May 2012 (18) April 201