This means that the service is far safer than P2P technologies that rely on users to upload to other music they have downloaded. cibalab is very similar to Napster cibalab announced in 1999 in both design and philosophy.
"Download speeds are very impressive," writes filesharing blog. Files downloaded directly from the MuLV-dedicated servers in Europe, making it difficult for the industry to nab individual pirates. Connected to Russian servers
The two perpetrators claim therefore that the service either use Google or search through open FTPer. TorrentFreak has tested the linkage with the service and found that the music coming from Russian servers connected to Vkontakte, a social online community that is big in Russia and countries around.
The only way to stop this service then, is to go to the company behind it and ten guess it's not long until the service gets legal issues about the hit. According to the makers have 10 million songs available.
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