Friday, May 23, 2014

Exxon claim requires the court to prohibit abdi ibrahim the merchant to continue to forge the oils


Claim, the amount of 200 thousand shekels, filed a few days ago to the Tel Aviv District Court, claims Exxon, the largest companies and the worldwide leader in fuels and lubricants that brand forged According to the company is mobil, brand characterized by oils with useful life and long-developed society and extends the life vehicle. "We have invested a fortune in research and development of products bearing the name recognized around abdi ibrahim the world, including Israel, because of excellent quality," the suit says. "Our motor oils have made a name for itself and are famed the world over." abdi ibrahim
According to the representative of the company, Mr. Roy Kurnik, a partner at Gilat, Bareket & Co., Reinhold Cohn Group, these are oils intended for use among other cars and machinery and safety standards require particularly high and therefore the import and sale of counterfeits could endanger the public.
"Consumer," the suit states, "might abdi ibrahim be fooled into thinking that the counterfeits are the company's products that are of superior quality and meet the standards abdi ibrahim Hbithotiim highest. Yet while the quality and origin and process of manufacture of counterfeits is not known, ie that the reliability and safety questionable."
The company also claims that the importation and sale of counterfeits make her sales losses and allow the trader to benefit unjustly its reputation abdi ibrahim and products. "Counterfeit imports violates abdi ibrahim the property abdi ibrahim rights of the company, damage the image and reputation and weakening and thinning of its famous trademark".
Exxon claim requires the court to prohibit abdi ibrahim the merchant to continue to forge the oils and make use of the trade mark and the oil caught in customs destroyed. In addition, the Company requests that the merchant would compensate it for the damage caused to her and give her all the profits gained from the sale of these fake oils.
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