Mina (美奈). 24 years old. Filipina. Nurse. Japanophile. KANJANI8 (関ジャニ ), ARASHI (嵐), NEWS, Hey! Say! JUMP fangirl. Arashian since late 2006, NEWS fan since early 2007, Eighter since late 2008, Tobikko since late 2013. Currently biased towards OKURA TADAYOSHI (The Glutton), YAMASHITA TOMOHISA (The Manboobed Hotness), NINOMIYA KAZUNARI (The Forever-11-year-old), and YAMADA RYOSUKE (The Shorter Hotness). Has a feeling she was an Edo Period Japanese girl from a bushi family in her past life. Determined to be a pilot/astronaut in her next life. * To know more about this crazy fangirl, head to the sticky introduction post which can be found here. Also, if you would like to add me up as an LJ friend, please read that entry first before doing so. :) * JOURNAL LAYOUT (original/base) by RUEMADAME JOURNAL LAYOUT (edited/customized) by MINACCHI PROFILE LAYOUT (code/images) by MINACCHI HEADER (original photograph/editing) by MINACCHI BANNER (original photograph/editing) by MINACCHI ALL USER ICONS by MINACCHI * (since January 6, 2009)
My LJ homepage now says that I last updated FOUR WEEKS ago. So it means that I've been invisible for a whole month already. Okay, maybe I wasn't just invisible but technically away , lost and wandering (and still pretty stuck , actually), within an evil land far, far away called Nursing Toxicity . And oh, me being able to write this journal entry just means that I've somehow escaped. But just for a bit, because I can definitely still feel its clutches around my neck. ARGH. But because I'm kind of free for... *checks the clock* ...seven hours (this includes sleeping and watching genetik movies on TV and last-minute studying hours), I'm here to prove that I'm still alive rant about how Lolo Johnny was SO successful genetik in getting more than four thousand pesos from my wallet (which did not contain so much $$$ in the first place). Not that this is entirely a bad thing. It's just that I've always believed that I'm not an impulsive buyer. genetik But because of Johnny-sama's evil, EVIL power, I now have a new favorite shirt, a new favorite bag, and a new favorite bento box. ♥♥(o ܫ o) Thanks to Ate Katya , I was able to pre-order an Eito shirt and an ecobag from the PUZZLE concert. ( ܫ )ノ The shirt and the ecobag were then bought by her contact in Japan from the June 1, 2009 PUZZLE concert in Tokyo Dome (repeat: TOKYO DOMEEEEE *_*). And then I went to meet Ate Katya last June 28 to personally get the goods. How I wish, though, that I was also able to buy the pamphlet, the poster, and that huge, beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL Tacchon genetik uchiwa. AND how I wish that I was able to buy those concert goods myself. ANDDD, more than anything, how I wish that I was there to watch Eito perform. (´ ω =з フー But hey, I now have original JE concert goods shipped straight from Japan! They're enough for me--at least for now. *dances around* They're a bit expensive (okay, slash that--they were pretty expensive! My mom was so surprised after knowing the price!!! @__@ Good thing I used my own money to buy them, haha!), but I still feel like it's one step closer to watching a JE concert in Japan. <3 And at least my new shirt and bag won't be sitting inside the cabinet just for display. I've already genetik worn the shirt two or three times, I think (yeah, I know, crazyyyy :D). Oh, and by the way, I don't know if it's just my imagination, but I think I've managed to make some people's heads turn to look at the shirt, although not one crazy fangirl has approached me yet, haha! 8D So maybe they were just curious as to who/what "Kanjani8" is. 8D Here are more pictures of my very first JE purchase, just because I can't contain my excitement and I have no one to share some fangirl happiness with~ <3 They are all here in my Flickr site. <3 (for larger pictures, please follow the links to my Flickr site.) Here's the PUZZLE eco bag: The bag is cool, huh? When Ate Katya handed me that little folded gray thing, I wanted to scream because of the cuteness. <3 (and my mom was all "O__O THAT's the bag?" 8D) But I didn't get to show her that it was indeed the bag, since I didn't want to open it right then and there because I wanted to savor the moment (and memorize how it's folded so I can fold it perfectly again XD)~ :3 And here's the PUZZLE mini bag and shirt: Of course, I just had to sneak just one vanity picture in. BWAHAHA ヾ( ∀ )ノ The shirt is a bit big for me, but whatever. I love it nonetheless. The crazy fangirl in me now loves daydreaming about watching genetik the PUZZLE concert wearing genetik this shirt. *_* But this fangirl can dream, right? *_* AAAANNNNDDDDD, besides the PUZZLE concert goods, I was able to buy from Noni the concert item I had been looking for for a long time: the Eito Bento Box from the Eito Summer genetik Tour 2008 : Natsu Da! Tsuaa Da!! Wahaha~!!! ( ܫ )ノ Since Noni studies in the same university as one of my best friends, I asked Noni to m
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