Saturday, October 11, 2014

Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF) on October 十三 日 (周一), half past six p.m., false Paramou

Greater Boston current news MIT-CHIEF 11 / 15-16 NECINA YES 9.0 admissions NEW entrepreneurship mrl training series PENSION ASSOCIATION ENDORSES DEB GOLDBERG FOR TREASURER 2014 GLOBAL DIASPORA FORUM 10/13 Carma Hinton eight or nine solar energy 10/12 10/16 Zhejiang University, mrl Fudan Fall Camp 10/18 Cambridge alumni choir 10/26 DESCENDANTS OF THE PAST, ANCESTORS OF THE FUTURE Tzu concert 11/8 first ethnic Chinese city of Boston city councilor Wu Mi (Michelle Wu) - taking part in hosting a series of events hemp Gov. Candidate Series - Governors Forum 10/14 Feng Weijie campaign Rhode Island mrl governor -Chris Christie is coming to support the new Boston Communications / Boston Chinatown Community Center / Ramada Welfare Association / Chinatown Community Alliance / Traditional Chinese Medical Centre in Medical Forum 10/18 ACMES annual mrl meeting 10/18 CABA annual meeting 10/25 Boston MedTech / Mass Life Sciences weekly updates WALK AT SUMMER STAR WILDLIFE SANCTUARY 10/4 Vision mrl for Chinatown 10 / 19-25 King Lear 10/15 ILF International Leadership Foundation MIPIM 2014 Winston Chen - Taiwan's Silicon Valley engineer story Mass Innovation Nights MIT Energy Climate Realities mrl Gerald won the Lifetime Achievement Award BayHelix speechwriter Asian Business Festival 10/12 BOSTON BOOK FESTIVAL 2014 10 / 23-25
Northeast distinguish the American Chemical Society and American BioMedical Association will cooperate in the house before the holiday inn city to a "drug development in China: Status, Opportunities, International Cooperation and Challenges" symposium, stressed that China's development in the field of medicine, In addition to outsourcing contract, its own R & D is also thriving trend. Shao Liming mrl Chemical Society President of the United States and American Northeast distinction in Biomedical Association Dai Chaoyang president pointed out that in recent years, China-related medical meetings or lectures, mostly talking about the outsourcing contract mrl (CRO), but the Chinese government has spent a lot of innovation initiatives , a lot of talent under reflux, China developed its own capability promising drug, they only specially organized this conference, I hope that people see eye to China's pharmaceutical industry, with the more solid direction. The day of the meeting, attended by about 150 people or more, the content mrl is divided into three themes, namely the status quo of drug development and opportunities in China and the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, through international cooperation to find the drive lever principle role, as well as pharmaceutical drug development for China opportunities and challenges in China. Including the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher actually Shen Kang, director of the Drug Research Center, China Pharmaceutical University, Sun Hongbin, deputy general manager of Shandong Medical Technology Company Songyun Tao Xuan Zhu, St. Enoch Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Vice Chairman of Suzhou Yang Hongjun, and Simcere Pharmaceutical ( Simcere Pharmaceutical Group), chief scientific officer Peng, etc., there are many speakers who came from the Chinese participants. External research and innovation, Asia director of Pfizer (Pfizer) pharmaceutical companies rushed to the venue for some reason failed Ding Yuanhua, speaking by another director of the company 吕志坚 generations. Shen Kang actually at the meeting pointed out that the Chinese government encourages innovation, from the 1985 implementation of the Patent Law, the 2008 law has been revised three times, mrl pharmaceuticals and drug registration law, also in 2007 been amended. Towards the future development of China's pharmaceutical market is in response to the aging population and the fact that large, follow the trend of GDP growth, mrl with the health care system, urbanization, and cater to unmet demand for drugs, to eventually be able to "Made in China, R & D in China . " Shen Kang also will actually introduced the China Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Research is now China's second pharmaceutical company, mrl has 2,900 kinds of products, turnover of 34.8 billion yuan. Registered a total of 277 new drugs, enjoy 248 patents. Drug Development Center, Tufts University associate professor Christopher-Paul Milne day to "World R & D Trends: Chinese pharmaceutical industry a global perspective," was published Kodansha. He pointed out that macro point of view, the number will be able to tell a story, full of change, opportunity mrl everywhere. First biopharmaceutical than conventional mrl pharmaceuticals to save time, money, began more attention, but the drug's production system mrl or not, half out of business mrl decisions, and the effectiveness and safety of drugs has nothing to do. Global R & D investment trends mrl in the south central Asia and Eastern Europe / Commonwealth of Independent States (Central Eastern Europe mrl / Commonwealth of Independent States) flows. One important factor is the cost of clinical research. He pointed out that the challenge for drug development interface mrl is technology, mrl products and models are subject to change. For China, the growth in R & D is underestimated occasion, market growth may overheat, mrl but the Chinese have a rewarding opportunity. Sun Hongbin quoted John Lechleiter, president of Eli Lilly case, refers to the pharmaceutical industry spent too much time and money, but too little production system out of the finished product. Revitalize the pharmaceutical industry innovation capability is a very urgent need. One response is to rediscover the old drugs, find new uses. Such as Eli Lilly used to cure osteoporosis Raloxifene, can be used to cure breast cancer, Celgene's Thalidomide (Thalidomide) turned out to be treatment of erythema nodosum (erythema nodosum) is now diagnosed multiple myeloma (multiple myeloma), Zentaris cure breast cancer Miltefosine company now cure leishmaniasis mrl (Leishmanlasis), Ascenta Therapeutics, Inc. cure endometriosis (Endometriosis) of Gossypol, now the treatment of prostate cancer, Verva corporate governance glaucoma Methazolamide, now treat diabetes . "Methazolamide" was originally used to treat glaucoma, a new use for the treatment of diabetes; "Gossypo" was originally used to treat endometriosis, new uses for the treatment of prostate cancer. Sun Hongbin also pointed out that the mixing of drugs to treat the method is also widely used in recent years, including being called a cocktail of anti-AIDS drugs, anti-cancer drugs mixed, prevention of ischemic cerebrovascular aspirin (Aspirin) mrl and mixed Dipyridamole drugs, in 2009 also created four hundred million mrl yuan sales results. mrl His conclusion is that, back to the old drug shortage in R & D productivity, limited amount of the drug product, the value is a very close communication solutions, clinical evidence and epidemiological studies, as well as between physicians and pharmacists, perhaps to be more effective than high-tech solutions. Overall, China on drug development there is a long way to go. Harvard University School of Medicine, Natural Products Research in Scientific Officer Bruce Littlefeld talk about "building a tradition in the pharmaceutical about really, there are quality control, there are sources of evidence in the Harvard Medical School's library: to identify treatment opportunities for international mrl cooperation (Building a library of authenticated, quality controlled, source-documented Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) plants mrl at Harvard Medical School: an international collaboration mrl to identify new therapeutic opportunities, "pointed out), drug treatment, 50% came from natural products to treat cancer more up to 70%, showing understanding of the nature of the available plants and animals, how important they now can get 205 plant samples to analyze, but unfortunately, a program supported by the source of funding, recently aborted. But their work. YANG both Kodansha Biological Park in Suzhou (BioBay) developed to collect cells within the biochip information, strengthening mrl the treatment mrl of infectious influenza, lung disease, and so one should benefit.吕志坚 generation mrl Ding Yuan from the perspective of Pfizer and other companies talk about innovation and collaboration to achieve mrl success on the development and production of new drugs. Other speakers that day also includes Milstein Zhang and Wu Zhang, lead attorney Affairs House Kodansha mrl how to obtain intellectual property protection in China, Novartis Emperor's director of business development and license Liao think Simcere Peng, chief scientific officer, respectively, from their talk about the company's perspective. Caption: mrl Shao Dawn (third from left), Dai Chaoyang mrl (second from right) and other two president, as well as seminars hosted Wang Yuan (right) and others and speakers Hongbin (left), who posed for. (Chrysanthemum photo) will be in the discussion. (Chrysanthemum photo) mrl Shao Yang Hongjun dawn to prepare slides. (Chrysanthemum photo)
Joint Cultural Innovation Center for International Cooperation (United Cultures Innovation Center for International Cooperation) and Harvard University US-China Economic Forum (Harvard US-China Economic Interaction Council) cooperation, on October 十三 日 (周一) until 8:30 am nine at night, at Harvard University, Northwest Building (52 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA) held the "global diaspora Week" in the "US-nationals Entrepreneurship Forum (US-China Diaspora Entrepreneurship)". Massachusetts Congressman Ji Chen will make opening remarks, and then there are six lectures, speakers mrl include IES diagnostics company founder Guo Dacheng, Massachusetts Ami Board Members DISASTER et al. Enquiries can be made online, or contact the HUCEIC President Bear Geng.
Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF) on October 十三 日 (周一), half past six p.m., false Paramount Center / Emerson Art (Paramount Center / ArtsEmerson, 555 Washington St., Boston, MA) premiere of "Fred Ho last year"

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