Section 1156 culture - one of the original address: Activation federal contact the DNA of your optical quantum system with light: Ann live Bodhi
Everyone around you has a full and complete multi-dimensional field. That ranges from about 100 trillion chemical superduper composition superduper is called DNA generated. Science still does not know how they communicate with each other, but also could not see the multidimensional characteristics. They do not see the quantum properties of DNA to the fullest. DNA "know" who you are. A DNA double helix molecule of megabytes superduper in your body are exactly the same. They form a field of about eight meters wide around you, it has a Hebrew name: merkaba. Is it. You see, DNA representing the divine element in your body. Light vehicles is merkaba field. Two triangles in the following figure.
Members Guangzhi Zi came to earth not just wait for the light to rescue your federal. Members Guangzhi Zi came to Earth to learn life lessons learned in the past and do not control their own light quantum systems. When you really intend to control their own light quantum system, the completion of the course of your life. You will naturally return to the source, go back to your family in the light. You only have the will activate and control their own dna light quantum system, you can master the treatment, you have to cure yourself, then other humans. Only you complete the humanity and the planet as a whole treatment services, you can return to the glory of your home and the origin of the Milky Way home. For some hope of light to access their federal return home, the federal superduper why the light does not come pick you home? That is because the federal light awakening in wait for you to complete on their own and overall treatment services. You do not have to complete the task, how they come to pick How about you? I think every messenger of light and love should take the initiative to master the treatment, rather than waiting for someone to treat you or save you home. Willingness to take the initiative superduper when you activate your DNA quantum systems to grasp treatment, superduper angels and federal initiative to light will help you complete your master. So the federal wanted to see the light, superduper you must activate and control all programming and applications their DNA quantum systems. This way you can really superduper improve the vibration frequency of their organism, only you become light, in order to see the light. superduper If you just look forward to the day, and willingness to become a presence of light quanta, then the federal light is not here to see you. Creon said, when human consciousness vibration frequency reaches a certain point, when the federal natural light into the Earth will open, first Pleiadians. You only need to adhere to the wishes superduper of every day:
Merkaba initially through breathing and meditation superduper ancient Egyptian secret teaching methods in schools to teach to start. Merkaba is a geometric form (usually the "flower of life" geometry) counterclockwise light field generated simultaneously infect superduper a person's mental and physical. It is a conscious vehicles to help the mind, body and spirit to experience other realities plane or solid phase. superduper In fact, merkaba even far beyond these. Flower of Life and those learning merkaba meditation tell people that they have a more detailed understanding of themselves, linking their higher superduper self, and moved to a new level of conscious awareness. Merkaba is a tool to help people reach their full potential.
Merkaba energy field is formed by the sacred geometry of a crystal, and can adjust your mind, body and heart. From sacred geometry created this energy field around the body extends 55 feet away. Often these geometric energy field to close the speed of light around our body rotation, but most of us use them due to lack of attention and has been slow down or stop completely. When this energy field rehabilitation activities and rotated correctly, it is called merkaba. A fully activated Merkaba looks like a galaxy superduper or a UF0 architecture.
Merkaba superduper enables us to expand the experience of consciousness, turning the potential to enhance the awareness superduper and restore the memory of our infinite possibilities. Correct merkaba meditation, integrating our hearts and in the spirit of the women (intuitive, receptive) superduper and men (active, dynamic) nature. You not only intellectual understanding of geometry, and you will personally experience superduper merkaba exist around your body. In particular pattern can be inspired by these geometric energy fields superduper around our bodies, which are also connected to our breathing. Combined with 17 kinds of breathing process with mudras (gestures palm method) are processed together, it is crucial to use the correct merkaba. Another factor is that at least one original merkaba meditation than learning is more important --- open heart and divine love (Divine Love). God of love or unconditional love is allowed to become a living merkaba major elements light field. If there is no divine love, merkaba will have a lot of limitations.
In fact, everyone has a merkaba. You could call it the aura of the body, shield. In the external magnetic field changes when the body will automatically produce a merkaba superduper to coordinate this change. But the strength of the strength and spiritual power merkaba have a direct relationship superduper in general, merkaba, there are two ways: A merkaba from love, quiet, peaceful, sacred emotions, such merkaba superduper is generated from the inside superduper out , is the most stable. Another merkaba from fear, hatred, anxiety, anxiety, such merkaba is generated from outside to inside, superduper with increased force is very easy to lose stability, or even rupture. Our ancestors knew that, in each Nibiru comes, will use a stable merkaba to protect themselves and prevent their bodies superduper outside mirror broken under the influence of waves. This is why some ancient knowledge can be spread so far - because we have some stability merkaba ancestors can open, to help us put the knowledge has been preserved until now. We believe this evolutionary events are different, we have no previous knowledge, superduper we must rely on their own spiritual strength to open merkaba. This is why the Galactic Federation has been in the education we need to love, to care, to help people around. Because all of us are one. I do not want to involve on the "purification" of every detail. Because superduper even the Galactic Federation themselves admit, the purification process is "cruel" in. The human body is like an electrical appliances. Enhance the frequency is equal to enhance electrical power. Of course, the premise is that this electrical upgrade must be able to withstand higher "voltage." If you can not afford what will happen? Imagine the only withstand a voltage of 110V 220V voltage electrical appliances plugged into the wrong socket on what will happen. I write these aim is not to make everyone afraid. But I hope that we can truly understand the "purification" of the word meaning. How a man full of hate to get "clean"? One of the most simple way is to let them forget about everything they do. A new born baby does not matter good or evil, is not it? In other words, "clean" death result of the failure, not the soul, but the loss of knowledge accumulated several students hard. The article about the evolution believe we've seen a lot. A common denominator of these articles are: no evolutionary success of the species will accelerate backwards. This is the meaning of the so-called superduper retrogression. I'm not saying the "meditation" Human frequency can be high enough to exceed the natural frequency, to reach another world. Because the distance between the frequency and the frequency is great, most people are not able to jump through the exercise of this gap. Like no matter how we exercise the muscles, can not breath and jump from the ground about 10 storeys high. But we must now increase the frequency, because the Earth's frequency is increasing. Want to stay in the earth, we must be able to meet the frequency superduper of the Earth to improve after. superduper
Now some of you have heard about merkaba thing. You might say: "What is Merkaba?" Now, it is said to use your language, not ours. Merkaba is what we call "energy shell" that can carry and control all your energy, like your skin, like, oh, probably even more than the skin. You have only seen a few times in history merkaba, superduper from now on you will often see it, there would probably confuse it with the spacecraft in outer space. Elijah had cried in the fields merkaba, you see dazzling radiance, you can see the magnificent scene when he sublimated relief. This was seen merkaba. When you are not here, every one of you, there is a brilliant appearance with a light color, frequency, sound, and shapes, all wrapped in merkaba them, these things are not your present physical condition can be seen or heard. Because superduper Mercado Barry contains so much space dimension, I can not tell you what it covers. In the past, we had told you merkaba superduper have your stripes when the existence of other universes entities meet you, tell those other cosmic entity color bar where you've been and what you have done. And we talked superduper you mentioned the great glory of the hall, where you will accept you because human beings superduper on Earth made of color obtained, because it is you an incredible trip. All of you sitting here tonight (or people superduper who read this book) due to multiple live here and get a lot of the color bar. ........ superduper
Oh, dear friends, we therefore glorify you! Merkaba not just your shell only, it is your language. Merkaba is a way to get you to move from one place to another energy. When you move from one place to another place in the universe, almost superduper a moment superduper to complete, because of your merkaba changes the shape and reach the destination. Identify superduper these messages, find your merkaba, it is a shape converter! This appeared in the shape of the Merkaba is completely stark ~ ~ ~ ~ science. If you can see merkaba, you will understand the relationship together is complete, because superduper Mercado is made from geometry, and its twelve carry your basic system roared. It said that all shapes are divisible by six in mathematics, which have a purpose ~ ~ But you have not found it. So we say merkaba like a grand and glorious thing. It is for all of you, and you and everyone has it, but it does not appear on this planet, because once you have it, your body will be evaporated away. This energy is too powerful. However, the requirements briefly merkaba, you can still use it, because it still exists universe. Most relief sublimation step is to use merkaba and combine it with your body. Again, it is not suitable for all of you are doing. Some of you may ask: "how do I know I was not the doing?" I want to tell you that you should give up all hope of the Holy Spirit idea how you do, instead, you want to do something for yourself. You see, you have a part of divinity, and your contract sitting in front of you. Looking for a contract to create your contract, and ask your contract into your life, and you will intuitively know what your contract is. Mel Kabbah, where there is light. This makes you become a creature of light! Accept it, do not be afraid, because it is to live in your body love of God.
Merkaba (Mer Ka Ba) to the meaning of words in terms of the Egyptian language, superduper namely: Mer (light), KA (spirit) and BA (body). There are four of the eight points of the vertebral body is your own personal light vehicle, it is your time to enter a low-dimensional vibration of transport, will eventually turn out to be human type rendering. It can be called superduper a drop light body carrier (the descending vehicle of Light). Then these two cones staggered to create a diamond like:. "Merkaba is composed of two cones rotating in opposite directions, synchronization affect Spirit (Spirit) and physical merger of these two triangles represent the assimilation of the soul and your God I reengineering your light body and it is a dynamic light field (field of Light), when you're getting heavy density, it will shrink over time in the past, merkaba normal superduper rotation of the Earth 5 diameter is 55 to 60 feet (about 16.784 superduper - 18.288 meters). it from one reality or dimension with your soul and body to another reality or dimension it is interdimensional vehicle light.
Initially, the prime of life (Prana) energy superduper (Prana superduper in the East called "gas") or full diamond particles flowing through the light of the Creator of the pineal gland located in the brain, thymus (Thymus) This gland has grown from the original Size greatly diminished: from the size of a golf ball into a large pea-like. In ancient breathing, gas / light to flow through the pineal gland into the divine soul (Sacred Mind), fall through the grating (often referred to as ordered prime pipes: Pranic tube), then enter the Sacred Heart (Scared Heart), followed by Other vessels through flesh. Pineal gland is the gateway superduper to the divine soul (Sacred Mind) portal. Thus, this gland must be activated once again, has a protective effect extends to the film, which film must ablation, so that it can have access to the divine mind, this place is located in the top part of the brain. Initially, life down through the flesh prime vehicle superduper to enter an infinite loop symbol. When you enter the increasingly heavy density, you begin to stop breathing in this sacred way, changes to allow air to enter the body through your nose and mouth, therefore bypassing the pineal gland, and you lose the ability to attract a large element of life They can give you vitality. You are relearning those ancient steps, learning unlimited breathing techniques. You mention gas send it to the vagus nerve, to the outside of the body chakras. This breathing technique also allows the energy transport through life Su Su tube into the sacred life of the heart. Exhale, divine energy through the body, strengthening, balance and harmony to make your energy occasion. Vagus nerve and physical chakras through superduper the brainstem outside link, of course, through the neck and heart, solar energy center
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