Tuesday, October 14, 2014

North Korean puzzle: Let the rumors fly for a while and then three positive hepatitis B positive dn

North Korean puzzle: Let the rumors fly for a while and then three positive hepatitis B positive dna what representatives to three positive hepatitis B is a contagious disease, although the same is three positive hepatitis B, the size of its contagious, infectious intensity is somewhat hiload different?. For three positive hepatitis B DNA-negative is not more contagious it? Three positive hepatitis B DNA positive what does it mean, the following analysis will give you eleven.
What are three positive hepatitis B DNA positive representative? Changsha Fangtek liver disease hospital experts wish Shun Hong introduction, three positive hepatitis B DNA positive, or negative, there is a certain criteria of, HBV-DNA examination is one of the hepatitis B hepatitis B patients often need to do is check the items three positive hepatitis B DNA negative said the virus is less than 1000cps / ml, this time three positive hepatitis B infectious weak, but still contagious. Conversely, three positive hepatitis B viral DNA positive amount represents more contagious, HBV-DNA test results higher the value, the stronger hiload contagious. Positive patients requires active antiretroviral therapy, blocking the progression of disease.
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