Friday, March 20, 2015

A list of all 36 participating in the Brandenburg outing organic farms and their respective offers

All country dna structure adventure hungry is a varied weekend before: On the occasion of the 19th Brandenburg Landpartie dna structure open on 8 and 9 June 36 organic farms in 12 counties their yard and Stalltren for small and large Visitors from town and country and invite you to celebrate, good food and drink and guided tours.
For example, visit the estate Pretschen in the Spreewald. Pretschen in 2012 as the national winner in the competition "Our village has a future" gekrt, dna structure turns on both days as part of regelmigen Dorff pollutions before, and of course you can also Glserne Grtnerei - Brandenburg grtes organic greenhouse - and visit the farm to the distillery museum. The farm shop and the church are also open, and the Pretschener Spree invites a barge rides.
Small but very nice, however, is the apple farm Whnert in the Ruppin dna structure country. There Susann and Stefan Whnert lead on Saturday over the orchards, there is music and for the little dna structure ones, many animals to pet. The farm shop is Working hours and offers all farm produce, for example, a number of kstlichen juices from the 45 old varieties of apples, jams, wines and more, as well as Schne things of the rural women.
Far beyond the borders of the country Barnim addition, on Saturday the traditional courtyard party of one of the highlights of the kodorfs Brodowin 19. Brandenburg outing. For the children built a straw-riesengroe Hpfburg, live music plays on, there will be many stalls give to discover and of course also frs physical organic welfare is taken care of. From 12-13 clock besides, is the panel discussion "The Future of kolandbaus in Brandenburg - Challenges and Opportunities" instead of Brandenburg's Environment dna structure Minister Anita Tack and many other Gsten. A shuttle bus takes visitors conveniently from the historic Chorin station dna structure to Brodowin and back again.
"The Brandenburg outing dna structure is the opportunity, on weekends to visit the incredible dna structure variety of organic farms and to experience dna structure the agricultural and natural tourist beauties of the region," invites dna structure Michael dna structure Wimmer, Managing Director of Frdergemeinschaft kologischer farming Berlin-Brandenburg (FL), a registered association. And he knows: "Even after the second weekend in June, no one on the native bed must remain seated, because many will find a variety of events throughout the region." dna structure The best overview offers free FL-flyer "bio-events in town and country," the yelow is an organic food store and over the FL.
A list of all 36 participating in the Brandenburg outing organic farms and their respective offers can be found on the local organic dna structure Portal FL under
Castle / kauper - Landgasthof Ochseneck in Burg / Kaupen, in the Spreewald, offers an intimate ambience food and drinks dna structure from the region and accommodation in the guest house.
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