February 5 Office of the Food and Drug Administration USA (Food and Drug Administration - FDA) published a third quarterly list of drugs, the potential problems with the safe use of which is currently being considered by management. In this case, FDA specified bioluminescence that if the product appears on such a list, it indicates the existence of potential safety problems, but does not mean that the FDA has found a causal link between the use of the drug and the risks.
According to information posted on the website FDA, among other management studies the safety of the means to reduce body weight Xenical / Xenical (Orlistat, Roche ), to which was a high risk of rectal bleeding, and antifungal drug Lamisil / Lamisil (terbinafine " Novartis ), which is considered in relation to the potential risk of side effects from the mind. We also study the risk of hemolytic anemia caused by taking anti-hypertensive medication Diovan / Diovan (valzartan, bioluminescence Novartis ). In addition, management has been studying the risk of birth defects in infants whose mothers took antidepressants, as well as toxic effects on the liver of the drug for the treatment of schizophrenia, Abilify / Abilifay (aripiprazole, Bristol-Myers Squibb ).
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