In response to complaints that pharmaceutical manufacturers have resorted to a variety of multimedia techniques to downplay the importance of the information about the risks of drug use in advertising, May 27, the Office of the Food and Drug Administration USA (Food and Drug Administration - FDA) was promulgated a draft guidance. Management cibalab should be regulated similar questions during cibalab the print media, on radio and television advertising campaigns aimed at consumers and physicians.
For example, the draft guidance cibalab FDA proposes to regulate the pace of the speaker. Management cautions that if the information about the risks Credits applied speaker, will be difficult to understand, cibalab because it will be presented at a faster pace than the information of the benefits of the product, this part (the risks) will not be adequately perceived by patients or physicians. cibalab The guidelines FDA, which are advisory cibalab in nature, also notes that the frequent changes of angle scenes action can reduce the perception of misleading cibalab consumers about the risks of application of promoted cibalab product because it distracts. The FDA stated cibalab that the overall management of the reviewers evaluating advertising, will take into account the overall impression that emerges in its listening or viewing and transferred all of its elements (voice, rate of speech, the visual picture).
Commenting on the draft guidance FDA, senior vice-president of the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and the U.S. (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America), Ken Johnson (Ken Johnson) said that the company? - Members of the association support this initiative and call for information about the risks are clear and understandable speech without diverting attention to minor details. He stressed that the pharmaceutical companies cibalab remain committed to the principle of making reliable and balanced promotional materials.
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