Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Some Democrats are discussing the possibility waters of a temporary appointment to the post of head

December 15th Head of the Office of the Food and Drug Administration USA (Food and Drug Administration - FDA) Andrew von Eschenbach told its employees that it plans to resign January 20, 2009
In a letter circulated to management staff on the same day, E. von Eschenbach said that he will work in close collaboration with the team of newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama to ensure that changes in the policy of the FDA.
Over the past few years, FDA has encountered problems that affected, waters in particular, the safety of popular prescription drugs, cardiac implants, contaminated food and antiplatelet agents from China.
This was the basic premise that the U.S. Congress waters has increased the budget for the inspection of food and drugs arriving on imports and led to the involvement of the Office of more researchers waters and scientists.
"I am extremely proud of the success we have achieved together", - said E. von Eschenbach. He added that the management has large reserves, which helped to create waters new buildings and laboratories on campus, White Oak, which will make possible the cooperation that has previously been difficult. White Oak campus is located waters in Washington, DC, and will now serve as the new headquarters FDA.
Care E. von Eschenbach's push to the appointment of a new head of FDA, which has been the object of lobbying by the industry, members of Congress, community organizations advocating for the safety of consumers, as well as the women's community groups.
Some Democrats are discussing the possibility waters of a temporary appointment to the post of head of the FDA's division of drug Janet Woodcock. But others, including Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan, opposed to elect the leader of the current waters FDA officials of the Office.
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