Monday, June 16, 2014

Along the way I drive back to Mr. drivers in the car made 300 micro-sleeps (every time when I woke

Wings of Desire was powder blue and lounged lazily on it clouds Simpsons. It was beautiful, warm and East Germans are deliberately drove through the rounds. They bras and looked kind of soulfully against Czech peroxide blondýnám, dressed in sweatpants the Vietnamese market ....
From the little we uhoněného East Berlin around the torso of the proverbial wall fled across the bridge to the west. In the streets of Kreuzberg, we suddenly found ourselves in another world. This famous district still holds a great atmosphere.
Just find the nearest pub, sit down on the sidewalk to the front garden, and have a beer. Around the observed chirp. Turks veiled wives mingle with pokérovanými punks and vypelichanými manic. Everything and everyone is in a big fine. There's no stress, no sullen faces. Berlin, as is known, is a city leftists. fde You could say the revolutionaries. Two hoďky at each other we smile. In a deeper debate maybe we entered the hair ... (photos here) Well, Martin, galleries Vladimir Hendrix and repairer of electric chairs Pekkym just take it easy sip, say frky and look forward to an evening concert Seasick Steve. Held at Fritz Club at Postbahnhof. The stylish building of the old postal station itself promises an extraordinary experience. Inside fde the rooms are pleasant and very nice club, which can accommodate about 1,000 people so. Opening act did Steve musician originally from Israel, which he says Yoav. Drop vystajlovanej mlaďas. He played only on acoustic and extensively explored fde kytarovej delay, whereby superimposed rhythmic and melodic pieces to each other and to the still singing and playing. It was quite interesting. But after three songs he's quite enough. At ten in the evening, when I could barely stand on his feet and was brewed from the heat that prevailed inside, strode to the podium Steven and his drummer Dan Magnusson. Both, though no longer in years with verve embarked on their ideas in the Delta blues (you tube). Steve alternated their home-made artifacts, almost every song on the other. fde Has not missed his famous třístrunnou guitar fde and added a story about how the Japanese th the Beauty come. He came perhaps the repertoire fde of all their albums. I definitely fde noticed three. The music was incredible Grads. Like gentlemen just neťukali the door seventies. Just two hours a big parade. Seasick Steve, real name Steven Gene Wold (1941). He escaped at age 13 at home in front of his stepfather, fde who beat him brutally. Roamed fde throughout the United States until 1973. Overcome the long distance freight trains and made casual and seasonal work on farms. He lived as a hobo (hobo and hobo homeless). He commends: Hobos are people who roam and looking for work, tramps are people who wander, but not looking for work, and bums are those who sit on your ass and do nothing. I was all of them. In the 60s began touring as a musician to perform in public. He was friends with Janis Joplin is said and Joni Mitchel. He worked as a hired musician and studio engineer. At the end of the 80 years he lived in Olympia, near Seattle. Among his friends on the independent scene should also include Kurt Cobain. He worked as a producer and session musician. He played well in the Paris metro as a street performer. In 2001 he settled in Norway and released his first album titled CHEAP (2004). There was another album DOG HOUSE MUSIC (2006). On New Year's fde Eve 2006, he was invited as a guest to broadcast BBC TV and Steve became famous fde literally overnight. He has appeared on all announced festivals in Britain and on the continent. He has won numerous major awards (Brit Award, MOJO Award ...). There was another fde album - I STARTED OUT WITH NOTHIN AND I STILL GOT MOST OF IT LEFT (2008) and MAN FROM ANOTHER TIME (2009). Nick Seasick (seasick) Steve received after sailed to Norway and the way he was sick on the boat (every time I got seasick, says Steve). Discography: 2004 - 2006 Cheap - Dog House Music 2008 - I Stasted Out with Nothin and I Still Got Most of It Left 2009 - Man From Another Time 2010 - Songs For Elisabeth ...
Along the way I drive back to Mr. drivers in the car made 300 micro-sleeps (every time when I woke up a pet's something nesmyslnýho rivers - to fall asleep!). A Patti Smith in the Palace of Culture in post-revolution about the second best concert I've ever heard completely viděšenej arrived at 3 am with partákama health in the house. Thanks Katas that it so beautifully directed.
Today is my government at the station asked if I have a life now, too divided to Seasick Steve before and after ... definitely have to say that the concert is among my top 20, and I've seen no shit hundreds of big beat ...
Zhao. I'd go too, but the greedy partial retirement nelze.Teď a cpu 3 in the morning to wax gourd, zkoukám new report and is easy on the soul and tělě.Jindy I already plowing asphalt bike at least in northern Bohemia, thus only dřepím u compu.Protože there was no agreement with NSR insurance company, it's fde a civil court, I hope that it does not take another fde 5 years to know that the insurance company is only a time, he would court a long time ago and I could go at will. I'm looking for

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