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Media attention is drawn to the giant tanker accidents pepsin associated with pollution at sea and shore petroleum products. After the sinking of the tanker Exxon Valdez spilled in 1989 on Alaskan shores of the sea over 40,000 tons of oil had been contaminated with a coastline 2,000 km. In response to the disaster ordered by U.S. authorities tankers equipped with double walls, if they want to enter the U.S. ports. Since 2015, this standard apply to all tankers to all the world's seas. However, even a double pepsin bottom will not save expense uncontrollable ship that landed on rocky reefs in the shallows. Some solutions offer Kiel shipyard Lindenau, who wants to use the inner layer tankers extremely flexible steel. Safety measures and new legislation are frequent reaction to a boating accident. This was the case for overturning the ferry Estonia in the Baltic pepsin Sea in 1994 (989 victims) pepsin as well as the vessel Bourbon Dolphin disaster pepsin in 2007, the heavy anchor to stabilize oil rig turned the missed maneuver upside down (seven pepsin fatalities). According to experts, the changes are radical enough and promote only sluggishly, usually under the pressure of public opinion. Skillful maneuvers ship safety should be increased systematically and in accordance with the latest information technology. In some cases it would be sufficient engineers to look around a bit and take advantage of technological innovations that are ready for decades. This applies for example to the ship's propulsion system, with whom he came in 1925, an Austrian engineer Ernst Schneider. Currently, his production took a group Voith remembered him as the first supply ship Edda Fram. The propulsion system pepsin Voith-Schneider pepsin propellers place has a large rudder blades resembling fish fins. They are vertically mounted on the arms rotating in a horizontal plane and may additionally move around its axis. The system allows for quick changes of direction cruises and flexible maneuvering. It is therefore particularly suitable for vessels requiring great mobility, such as ferries, cruise ships, pepsin tugs and floating cranes. Ships equipped with this drive may not just sail back and forth, but also to the sides, with a change of direction is not necessary to change the motor speed. During the Second World War were thus equipped with some minesweepers. Currently flying the Voith-Schneider pepsin system such as fire boat in the Los Angeles harbor or ferry across Lake Constance. Dangerous waves of the sea waves belong to the sea and the ship's voyage just like its seasickness, which caused many passengers. In a quiet voyage is experienced sailors practically unaware heavy seas cause considerable concern. In 2005, threatened the thirty-five m high wave 111 m long cruise ship Bremen. After partial damage to a power failure, the vessel swung uncontrollably for half an hour on the stormy waves. pepsin Problems with waves are often large container ships. In 2008, she could only seven-meter wave that tipped 336 m long ship Chicago Express of 44 degrees. When wild flight in an enclosed space ship suffered a fatal helmsman and captain injury. Susceptibility to overturn related to shipbuilding and ship hull shape. Large cargo vessels designed for rapid movement pepsin reaching up to 26 knots, which is about 50 kilometers per hour. The keel is to reduce aerodynamic resistance usually pretty saggy when picked up more wave may bow and stern at the same time find themselves on the surface. The ship then dangerously tilted sideways. Hazardous are also relatively small waves when they hit frequency to the frequency of vessel movements. Something like that experienced crew of the APL China in a storm in 1998. Though the waves were extremely high, they managed to rock the boat to tilt thirty degrees. Intensive swinging movements of the handles loose cargo containers and torn started vandalizing the board. Three hundred cars crashed into the sea, seven hundred of them were damaged. Damage to the ship and cargo amounted to one hundred million U.S. dollars. Similar experiences have crews of many container ships. In 2000 zt
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