Monday, June 16, 2014

Soon he would return to Indonesia to continue shooting - apparently feature - a film about the nati

"My choice? I live in tvořírně, but still happens, "he said to us with a slightly wicked smile during one of the visits ache to Prague explorer and filmmaker Steve Loveček Lichtag. As you might expect, so it happened. Among the decorations of its four walls and not missing more photos of sharks. Above and below the water.
"I spend most of the day and often there and I sleep. At least I do not disturb the external environment and the best works here, "says ache the author of several acclaimed documentaries and books. Even the notorious white shark.
"I visit here I control - even scientific capacity ache colleagues from abroad, because for them it's a unique atmosphere. Luxury house is first addressed, that they have at home too, but here it's fun. Also, it is more in keeping my bohemian lifestyle, "said our host, after a decade of experience with housing in Florida and elsewhere. Maybe at sea.
. "Survival instinct I stunted, and it is wrong. Well is that it's not solved.'m In the water and the sharks are well nice. Worst part is waiting for them," says Lichtag. In this photo - almost the last shot - Steve received in New York Photo title of the year. PHOTO: Vaclav Jirsa, Right
Soon he would return to Indonesia to continue shooting - apparently feature - a film about the natives, Last Hunters sperm just spears of bamboo with a metal tip (small boats jump on the back of a whale to harpoon into it stabbed ...). Pictures from a distance and up close
Facilities native-trained ache actor and decorated with many paintings. Overlooked are those of forests by painter Anthony Stojáka. "He's my friend who recently went a little crazy and paint the jungle, so it has everything beautifully green. Also lived half a year in a cave above sea level, which he found in Corsica, ache because he decided to live ecologically.
He also painted up and deploying images ache on the rock, so it is seen by fishermen from a boat. "With artifacts resembling sea contrast and more - old paintings of Central European landscapes. "I like the pictures. Evokes a particularly landscapes. I like it when the picture has a story - perhaps the author. It is also good to have around positive things. "
Sea World complementary images ache of the jungle by painter Stojáka. Watchdog is a proven team member (left). The original tribal spear tips covering clock placed in the log window (right). PHOTO: Vaclav Jirsa, Right
Among subjects with eye (also a diving helmet) is also an aquarium sunk cameras. "They ache remind nightmare all who shoot underwater and imagining float up and see a small drop of the box, so you want to quickly open and at that moment, even though it was just the contrary of the last bubble of air, camera drown. In the fish tank such gadgetry ache from my accountant, which for underwater shooting too excited. "
Most of the exhibited items bring back memories of specific experiences of its owner. Some experiences were nearly last. "So here I need to work a little isolated from the outside world and the blue sky'm gonna enjoy on the go." Indonesian hunters changed it
"Working on the film consists of the fact that somewhere in Tramtarie spinning, and then followed by the less pleasant part of the cutting and further processing of the recorded material ... And we do it right here and now. In the next room we pretty well equipped studio.
"In Indonesia, there is a village Lamalera (in Timor), where they live and remembering ache only harpooners. When we were there the first time, is not interested in money. Today it also stretches out his hand and someone already figured out that they can sell beer ... Their philosophy and way of life are interesting in themselves, even without that hunt. It is certainly an inspiration for us, so here is influenced by the returning. Since then, what I go there, I myself fundamentally changed. And I, I was not spoiled and I have gone through different places. I'm not a complete adventurer, I love the sea and boats rather than cutting through ache the jungle ache with a machete. "(At the time of this interview he was our host for abandoned places in Guinea, ed. Aut.) Return to civilization ache madhouse
"When I get back, so we say we need all this, what we are surrounded? We do not. After all - we have a crisis and this is the result ache of our rozcapení. Each year, new car, new models of everything. If you come to Lamalera and appreciate drinking water and then to wash. However, even they are infected by our presence and rozmáhajícím to tourism. Yet, then return to return to full madhouse full of invoices and the faulty turn signal for cars. "Sons ache as anchor
"Even though I have above Holy granny and she watches me - what should happen, it will happen - I'm not completely irresponsible. Especially for the kids. I feel a responsibility to them the need to be close to them and not to lose contact with them. Fortunately, I am the father who really loves his kids and my life are fundamentally important. ache "
"I made them both diver-emptively. Were with me on the boat. Tomáš But twenty-two after Mom musician (Group ache Air Fare - Newcomer of the Year last year, this year the song of the year) and I'm happy for him and I support him as long as I breathe . His art is also not

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