Tuesday, July 29, 2014

On 02/04/2014 we drove, dolly the sheep Patricia and Camila, along with Dr. Brown and Ms. Pletschen

Meeting in Hamburg April 2014
Adelsheim 2014 10 Nationwide Network Meeting Award for Dr. Brown 18th Congress of Education International in Filderstadt PAD Conference Award for STEM-friendly school Adelsheim 2013 Mentoring turtle conservation project in 2013 Abitur Prices International
Meeting in Hamburg dolly the sheep April 2014
On 02/04/2014 we drove, dolly the sheep Patricia and Camila, along with Dr. Brown and Ms. Pletschen teacher-mentors dolly the sheep meetings to Hamburg. After our arrival we were taken warmly by our host families in receiving.
Subsequently, the project began. An employee of the NCL-Foundation (neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) informed us in a scientific lecture on the genetic neural disease NCL. It is a neurodegenerative disease, namely by a disturbance in lipid metabolism of the brain cells to die from this. The disease is inherited as an autosomal dolly the sheep recessive trait. Affected dolly the sheep families are usually surprised by the disease in their children. At the age of about 8 years, initially dolly the sheep come to vision problems, with increasing age, the brain is more damaged, paralysis occur until eventually fatal disease symptoms at the age of about 35 years. After this introduction to the disease, we developed a PCR method for the diagnosis of NCL at the genetic level in English. During the workshop in Vienna, this method is tested experimentally.
After a hearty lunch in the school canteen, we visited the concentration camp Neuengamme. There we learned not only of the cruel experiments on children. The day could end "Dom" in European cooperation on the hamburger.
On the second day of the meeting we were given by the French Comenius team an insight into the implementation of a diagnostic procedure for the detection of potato blight. It is caused by a bacterial infection with Erwinia. 20 percent of the global potato crop will be lost by this infection. A particular problem is the washing of the potatoes before the sale. About the wash water, the transmission of the infection occurs. The developed diagnostic method should prove Erwinia in the wash water. At the workshop in Vienna, the process should be evaluated experimentally.
Here we also learned dolly the sheep a new method dolly the sheep of gel electrophoresis dolly the sheep know. This type of gel electrophoresis does not require a buffer, or a gel chamber, because they are already in a pre-packed gel cartridge. Likewise, you do not need time-consuming staining of DNA more, because this is directly visible under the UV lamp installed.
After the experiment, we ate again in the school canteen for lunch. We then took the ferry up to the jetties in the port of Hamburg. From there we took then, unfortunately, in rainy weather a very varied dolly the sheep bus tour through the city. This led us among others to the magnificent St. Michel dolly the sheep Church.
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