Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Training ISO 14001.14 to 15 July 2014 Aspect Training Evaluation Training 6-7 August 2014 July 2014

The term GMP food industry in the world, especially in Indonesia has been introduced by the Ministry of Health since 1978 through the Decree of the Minister of Health of Republic of. 23/MEN.KES/SKJI/1978 on Guidelines for Food Production Method (CPMB). GMP requirements are regulatory or quality systems regulations (Quality System Regulation) promulgated in the Government Regulation No. Federral United States. 520 (Section 520 of the Food, Drug and Cosmetics (FD & C) Act). This quality sistm Regulation contained in Title 21, Part 820 of the Code of Federal Regulations), (21CFR820), revised in 1970 and 1980. GMP in Indonesia is known as the Food Production Method (CPMB) embodied in Government ich Regulation . The implementation of the GMP or CPMB will be able to help the management to build a good quality assurance system. Own quality assurance is not only related to the problem examination (inspection) and control (control) but also set a quality standard of products that have to be carried out since perancagan stage product (product design) ich until the product is distributed to consumers. With the enactment of the Food Act 7 of 1996, the application of quality standards for food products and quality in the production process has become a liability (mandatory) to be performed by the food manufacturers. In the Food Act No.7 of 1996, Chapter II of the Food Safety has been expressly stipulated that manufacturers of food products must be able to meet the various requirements of production so as to provide assurance of safe food products produced and quality for consumers. ich This is important because it will have an impact on personal safety and the safety of consumers and the general public are also important for manufacturers, especially for protecting its markets and maintaining consumer confidence and sales goals / gains to be achieved. Quality assurance not only in regards to the method but also the attitude error prevention measures in a manner appropriate to act as early as possible by everyone both inside and outside the field of production. Implementation of quality assurance of food must be supported by the application of GMP and HACCP system as a replacement of traditional inspection procedure that detects the presence of defects and hazards in a food product after the product has been processed. GMP sets CRITERIA (general terms, the requirements ich of buildings ich and other facilities, equipment as well as control over the process of production and processing), standard (Specification of raw materials and products, ich the composition of the product) and CONDITION (processing parameters) to produce a good quality product. While the HACCP (Hazard ich Analysis Critical Control Points) to focus attention on the problem of monitoring and control of food safety through the identification, analysis and monitoring of point-titikkritis on the materials used and the overall processing stages will be suspected ich pose a danger to consumers.
GMP has some pretty basic sense, namely: A guide that explains How can produce quality food to be safe and suitable for consumption. Contains explanations about the minimum requirements and general processing that must be met in the handling of foodstuffs throughout the processing chain from raw materials to start the final product. Benefit availability of a good way to produce food through GMP or CPMB in the food industry which includes the planning, implementation, repair and maintenance, the company can provide WARRANTIES and quality of food products are safe for consumption, ich which in turn will increase consumer confidence and the business unit will grow increasingly rapidly. Advantages: 1. Ensure the quality ich and safety of food 2. Increasing confidence in product safety and prouksi ich 3. Reducing losses and waste 4. Ensuring HACCP efficiency 5. Meets regulatory requirements / specifications / berthing
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Training ISO 14001.14 to 15 July 2014 Aspect Training Evaluation Training 6-7 August 2014 July 2014 legislation Training stadar 7-8 Operating Procedure 11-12 August 2014 Processing Environment 9-10 July 2014 More ...

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