Met NGS and associations
Autumn meeting of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces was held on November 3, 2011 at Hlohovci in space Tepličky training ground. In order XIV. meeting organization ensures MLB Hlohovec. In the beginning of the meeting, General Sucker meeting tay sachs disease and welcomed the participants after the presentation on "Conclusions SHO - building new Armed Forces' developed discussion about topical issues. The conference representatives of associations of the critical points persisting views of politicians on the army and its needs. Appreciated the support and assistance to the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces associations. Vice President George ZV SR plk.vv tinker in his speech thanked the Chief of General Staff for their support and assistance services to ensure the activities of clubs ZV SR. He believed that in the future manage to successfully engage professional soldiers in problem solving troops. "The strategic defense review (SHO) and SR White Paper, which it is based, do not address the complex issues of defense. They focus mainly on solving dilemmas budget of the Ministry of Finance in relation to the functions and organizational structure of the Ministry of Defence. But defense is much broader concept tay sachs disease and includes broader context than just tackling MO ", said the conference was Chief of General Staff Lubomir Bulik. Plans of the Armed Forces for the next year was characterized as "old-new". Army would, according to him should focus on maintaining and improving quality tay sachs disease attained soldiers continue its duties in terms of both domestic and foreign crisis management and to fulfill the obligations arising from membership in NATINADS. The meeting was also samples of armament, equipment and operations department in providing logistical support units in operation. Participants commented to see samples of selected containers introduced into use, such as dining and social containers, samples of work developed water purifiers, funeral cooperatives and guided demonstrations of field bakery. The closing ceremony of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces General Lubomir Bulik representative associations thanked for their cooperation and awarded military medals, badges and commemorative tay sachs disease sheets. tay sachs disease Union soldiers of the Slovak Republic was awarded a letter of thanks Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and President ZV SR plk.gšt.vv tay sachs disease Michal Bohunický, tay sachs disease the insignia of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces. Meeting the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces with representatives of civil society organizations was cordial and constructive, contributing to mutual information and exchange views on cooperation, security forces actions and defense capabilities of the Slovak Republic. Juraj tinker
We recommend
Ladislav Ridzoň, LM: Miro Consulting: Consulting Brno Lubomir: Retirement pplk.vv Ing.Peter Hvizdoš: Retirement tay sachs disease John Nitra: Why Milan extraordinary dream of Levice: Retirement Lt.Col. vv Ing. Joseph Šamaj PB Consulting Milan Faltin: Retirement Miro Palfi: Advice Andrej Toposaj: George Klain Retirement: Retirement Louis Barta Disclaimer IOU. Considered V4 Felo: Retirement Jaroslav tay sachs disease Junek: old-- novodôchodcovia Lt.Col. vv Ing. Joseph Šamaj PB: It will increase the value to 1.7.2012??
Designed by Martin Bada.
Autumn meeting of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces was held on November 3, 2011 at Hlohovci in space Tepličky training ground. In order XIV. meeting organization ensures MLB Hlohovec. In the beginning of the meeting, General Sucker meeting tay sachs disease and welcomed the participants after the presentation on "Conclusions SHO - building new Armed Forces' developed discussion about topical issues. The conference representatives of associations of the critical points persisting views of politicians on the army and its needs. Appreciated the support and assistance to the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces associations. Vice President George ZV SR plk.vv tinker in his speech thanked the Chief of General Staff for their support and assistance services to ensure the activities of clubs ZV SR. He believed that in the future manage to successfully engage professional soldiers in problem solving troops. "The strategic defense review (SHO) and SR White Paper, which it is based, do not address the complex issues of defense. They focus mainly on solving dilemmas budget of the Ministry of Finance in relation to the functions and organizational structure of the Ministry of Defence. But defense is much broader concept tay sachs disease and includes broader context than just tackling MO ", said the conference was Chief of General Staff Lubomir Bulik. Plans of the Armed Forces for the next year was characterized as "old-new". Army would, according to him should focus on maintaining and improving quality tay sachs disease attained soldiers continue its duties in terms of both domestic and foreign crisis management and to fulfill the obligations arising from membership in NATINADS. The meeting was also samples of armament, equipment and operations department in providing logistical support units in operation. Participants commented to see samples of selected containers introduced into use, such as dining and social containers, samples of work developed water purifiers, funeral cooperatives and guided demonstrations of field bakery. The closing ceremony of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces General Lubomir Bulik representative associations thanked for their cooperation and awarded military medals, badges and commemorative tay sachs disease sheets. tay sachs disease Union soldiers of the Slovak Republic was awarded a letter of thanks Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and President ZV SR plk.gšt.vv tay sachs disease Michal Bohunický, tay sachs disease the insignia of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces. Meeting the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces with representatives of civil society organizations was cordial and constructive, contributing to mutual information and exchange views on cooperation, security forces actions and defense capabilities of the Slovak Republic. Juraj tinker
We recommend
Ladislav Ridzoň, LM: Miro Consulting: Consulting Brno Lubomir: Retirement pplk.vv Ing.Peter Hvizdoš: Retirement tay sachs disease John Nitra: Why Milan extraordinary dream of Levice: Retirement Lt.Col. vv Ing. Joseph Šamaj PB Consulting Milan Faltin: Retirement Miro Palfi: Advice Andrej Toposaj: George Klain Retirement: Retirement Louis Barta Disclaimer IOU. Considered V4 Felo: Retirement Jaroslav tay sachs disease Junek: old-- novodôchodcovia Lt.Col. vv Ing. Joseph Šamaj PB: It will increase the value to 1.7.2012??
Designed by Martin Bada.
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