Monday, February 10, 2014

Martin Draax

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Dear Students, Welcome to ACD! As a warm welcome and made acquaintance with fellow oligo students and teachers we go on bike trip, from Wednesday, January 29 to Friday January 31. Address: Pol, Meijersgaardenweg 6, 7481 RM Haaksbergen The trip is a (beautiful and required) oligo part of the study, so we are counting on everyone there. Should there be an insurmountable problem, discuss oligo it with me and I am in any case present Thursday. Bring: sleeping bag, (bottom) sheet, oligo pillow! , Towel, tea towel. Furthermore, you can bring your materials and tools: ink, clay, 3D printer, ... This can possibly deliver pre Coen, so do not count on the bike. Musical instruments can also join through Coen. Return trip: We start with the bike from Station Enschede on Wednesday, January 29th at 11am. If you do not have a bike, you can rent one in there. Friday, January 31, we are around 17 o'clock. Cost: 30 Euros per person, payable at the reception in advance or cash on Ina. Here is everything, so you do continue to carry. No food, drink, or money For questions i.bode @ oligo Mission: Me in a box fill a box with the theme 'This is me'. Anything goes in it: objects, photographs, drawings, prints, sounds (if it needs but nothing out of the box, for example no CDs, if a device outside the box needed). oligo The box should be no larger than a shoe box (about 20x30x10cm) and must be taken on a bicycle trip. Please fill in the box well aware that you keep for the entire group, on the basis of the contents of the box. During the excursion a short presentation (3 to 6 minutes) The main requirement here is that anyone who has seen the presentation, you will not forget.
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Martin Draax
Coen Shin
2014 (20) February (5) January (15) Studium Generale "Just another Day" 2: Comprehension - space - representation 2: ACD assignment for February 10 2: Assignments 1/2/3/4 Semester Schedule oligo 2nd semester 2013 -2014 1: ACD goes Pol 1/2/3/4: Roll up for the Cross Media Design Finals ... 1: Me in a box 1/2/3/4: NSE Survey 2014 - Please ACD rule! 1/2/3/4: Grid ACD week ahead NYC IT'S NOW OR NEVER 1/2/3/4: ACD goes New York! 4: unr3AdaBL3, a ~ 1 ~ ~ ed pr0mi YES! The AKI Student Newsroom 4: green light test 2013 (152) December (18) November (28) October (23) September (24) August (3) July (4) June (11) Soon (11) April (7) March (5) February (15) January (3) 2012 (180) December (3) November (13) October (16) September (25) of August (3) July (4) June (11) May (20) April (19) March (38) February (19) January (9) 2011 (94) December (6) november (20) October (11) September (18) August (8) July (1) June (3) May (2) April (6) March (2) February (10) of January (7) 2010 (60) December (2) November (7) October (6) September (9) August (8) July (1) June (1) May (4) April (3) March (6) February (11) January oligo (2) 2009 (106) December (6) November (15) October (11) September oligo (28) August (4) July (1) June (7) May (23) April (11)
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