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Bioterrorism is defined by the use of biological agents to promote economic, social, and environmental instabilities. The use of these agents can commit mass a given population, since some microorganisms have in its constitution toxic substances that cause damage to organisms that come in contact with these.
The development, production and use of biological and chemical weapons is prohibited by definitions of members of the World Health Organization countries through international treaties, among which stand out the 1925 Geneva Protocol, the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons 1972 Convention and the 1993 Chemical Weapons.
In the U.S., concerns about national security against biological attacks led to enactment of the Bioterrorism Act, in 2002. Currently, the countries of Central and South America has strengthened its ability to cope with emergency situations and disasters with the help of the government.
Biological attacks are reported since antiquity. plasmid In pursuit of conquest of territories or in defense of ideologies, humans discovered a tool that contaminate plasmid the air, water and food, may be able to decimate populations. plasmid
1754 - America: During combat, the commander of British forces in North America, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, suggested the deliberate use of smallpox to reduce the hostile American tribes. After contamination of the natives, the action was followed by a smallpox epidemic among the Indian tribes of the Ohio River Valley.
1914-1 st World War: Evidence suggests that Germany has developed an ambitious program of biological warfare during this period, including covert operations in order to infect plasmid and contaminate food supplies animals to be exported to the enemy forces. Bacillus anthracis and Pseudomonas plasmid mallei, the etiologic agents of anthrax and glanders plasmid were used to infect Romanian sheep exported to Russia and Argentine stocks to be exported to allies, resulting in the deaths of 200 mules between 1917 and 1918.
1996 - Iraq: The UN Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM) discovers and destroys the research facilities and production of Iraqi biological weapons, which included experiments in Bacillus anthracis, rotavirus, botulinum toxin and aflatoxin.
Revelations that Iraq possessed weapons of infectious agents, the discovery plasmid of the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo had a program to develop biological weapons, the low cost coupled with the minimum scientific knowledge required for the production of these weapons and the trend of terrorists from to new areas of violence when current no longer meet their interests, generates concern in the general population.
Despite the panic that concerned with bioterrorism attacks from biological devices, this is not an effective way of attacking humans. This happens because those handling these agents, either through carelessness or lack of knowledge, do not take into account that many microorganisms have low power spread when released in very large areas. Perhaps, with the improvement of production and form of development, this may be the weapon of the future, since there has not been a significant number of human victims to the attacks.
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After isolation of enterobacteria in a petri dish, is held to be identified through biochemical plasmid followed or no evidence plasmid p ...
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