Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) Bacillus anthracis is the causative Anthrax, an infectious disease that manifests in three human clinical forms: cutaneous, gastrointestinal and respiratory, this can be lethal. It is a zoonosis. Animals are infected by ingesting primer blast spores to grazing in contaminated soil or eating foods with the bacillus. Under normal conditions the man is infected by ingesting contaminated by exposure to carcasses, skin, wool, hair or inhalation of contaminated meat spores. This bacterium has a protective capsule that confers such resistance to phagocytosis, overcoming host defenses. Due to this high strength, easy to play, low cost and great power of infectivity, the bacillus began to be studied as a biological weapon, since the early twentieth century. Been used for that purpose in World War II and the main objective of the Gulf (1991) War was the destruction of the premises where these weapons were stored. In 2001 the U.S. anthracis spores were sent to leaders in order to bioterrorism. Scientific knowledge being used against the men themselves, stems from a total lack of conscience, ethics and professionalism, which must be contained to the welfare of mankind and nature. This paper aims to present an approach on the use of Bacillus primer blast anthracis as a biological weapon, especially in bioterrorism, elucidating their clinical and biological primer blast importance, as well as the ethical stance of the scientists who has specific knowledge about the general aspects of the bacillus and the disease. It is big and form spores, is found throughout the world. Animals are infected by ingestion primer blast of the bacillus, grazing in contaminated soil for example. Man is infected by eating infected meat or contact with the body of dead infected animal, as well as contact with your skin, wool or bones. The vaccine has greatly reduced the cases coming to be registered for only one year in the United States. There are records of several cases in that country in 2001, but is believed to be the product of deliberate infection may be the result of biological primer blast terrorism. The largest primer blast natural incidences of anthrax are in Africa primer blast and Asia, because there is no diffusion of the vaccine. Anthrax Disease primer blast also called anthrax, anthrax or anthrax. It is believed that it is one of the diseases described by Romans. It is considered the fifth plague described in Exodus. Its name comes from the Greek word which means anthrakis coal. This association with coal due to the nature of injuries caused primer blast by anthrax. The development of anthrax Macrophages phagocytose (process of elimination) spores in place of entry, they then germinate into bacteria that release toxins in the body. The spores go to lymph nodes traquiobrônquicos being ingested and eventually germinate. The toxin from the multiplication of the bacillus primer blast produces hemorrhages, edema and necrosis. Forms of anthrax There are three types of anthrax, cutaneous anthrax (most common naturally), gastrointestinal, and inhalation primer blast anthrax (which is naturally rare only 18 cases were diagnosed throughout the twentieth century). Treatment of Anthrax strong treatment with antibiotics at the slightest sign of the disease is necessary. Previously the treatment was performed with penicillin, primer blast but it is currently done with ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV every 8-12 hours or doxycycline 200 mg IV followed by 100 mg IV every 12 hours.
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