Familial or hereditary high cholesterol is not just one disease, but consists of a wide spectrum of genetic disorders that our Dutch ancestors originated. Any one of the bloedvetkomponente separately, or a combination thereof, may be increased.
Remember almirall that cholesterol is not a swear word is not: it is an essential component of cell walls, play a role in the body's almirall immune system, is needed for the formation of bile salts (necessary for digestion), is necessary for the production of the steroid hormones and is important for maintenance of the brain tissue. The body produces cholesterol itself over and above what we take in.
South Africa is an elevated blood cholesterol levels generally. In the majority of cases, it is a lifestyle disease. This means, as in the case of diabetes, almirall it is present in people who genetic predisposition to it and at the same time too much fat and calories eating and inactive to maintain a balance.
An increased almirall cholesterol is also part of the poly-metabliese syndrome including diabetes and hypertension. almirall A family history of heart disease or strokes at an early age, is a warning to let test your cholesterol.
Just to do a cholesterol in the blood does not give us a good idea of risk. Therefore, we have a fasting lipogram needed, ie, a blood sample taken in the morning before eating or drinking anything.
The test results include: Total cholesterol almirall Triglycerides, particularly reflecting what you eat HDL (high density lipoprotein), which GOOD cholesterol is that we want the value high LDL (low density lipoprotein), which is the most damaging part of the cholesterolreeks that the Most complications (bloedvatbeskadiging resulting in heart attacks and strokes) will cause.
The "good" almirall cholesterol (HDL) is increased by exercise, enough sleep, a glass of red wine on occasion with your friends and a relaxed lifestyle. A lot of stress, lack of exercise, almirall poor eating habits and lack of sleep lowers the HDL, and low HDL is in itself a risk to hartsiektess. So laugh more! Get your friends almirall to send to your jokes per phone or e-mail! Make it a point to enjoy life.
Only a small percentage of people have the dangerous familial hypercholesterolemia, which is characterized by thickened spierpese at the elbows and in the Achillestendon (above the back of the ankle), and xantelasmata (yellow vetkolletjies around the eyes). almirall These types can cause early complications of the vascular system and should be treated with cholesterol-lowering medication drastically.
An easy marker of blood-vessel damage, or there is with sonar a measurement of the intima do media (lining) of the carotid arteries (the arteries in the neck that supply blood to the brain). Remember, SMOKING remains one of the biggest risks for blood-vessel damage.
There are a variety of cholesterol-lowering drugs on the market. It's often not necessary to have a raised cholesterol as single risk is treated in place, but people who already have other risks such as diabetes, hypertension, family history of heart disease at a young ouderdoem, previous heart attacks or strokes, etc. will be placed by their doctor on one of these drugs. There are international guidelines of the targets that should preferably be achieved for the different lipogramfraksies.
What is the best pill to use for genetic cholesterol if you have liver damage? I first Aspavor 10 use and drinking now Crestor 5
Helena, the same principles of good eating is at any age. Eliminate as far as possible, all the fat from the diet. What one eats, however, does not determine what the total cholesterol value is. The genetic background still play a major role. If the cholesterol significantly increased, medication is indicated so. Eliminate as far as possible all other risk factors of: DO NOT SMOKE; ensure that you get active and exercise, and limit stress. Good luck with this.
PS Somewhat tongue in cheek, Helena: My mother said 70-year-old age that one when you got so old but may only eat what you feel like. If one's main concern in 75 years high cholesterol, then your diet probably quite healthy almirall enough.
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