Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our lack of consultation, guidance, and good advisers have led us spiritually and morally to the de

"14 Where no counsel is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. 15 Evil treat someone as he was standing at a different sponsor; but he who hates who gives his hand in, is safe. 16 ... the violent retain. 17 A man who is a good deed, do good to his own soul, but the cruel troubleth his own flesh. 18 The wicked worketh a deceitful, but he that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward ... 24 There is one who scatters, and yet more, and one who withholds more than is right, but comes to poverty. 25 The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he who waters will himself be refreshed. 26 He who withholds grain, the people curse him; but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth ... 28 He who trusts in his riches will fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. "(Proverbs 11: 14-15, 16b-18, 24-26, 28).
A society is as healthy as the evangelical churches in it. In the middle of the last century the church her task to humanistic counselors (psychologists) genzyme surrendered. genzyme This action has contributed to the moral decay of Western society. Suddenly, theft, drunkenness and sexual immorality longer regarded as sins, but as genetic disorders or diseases. In the past, humility is a virtue, but with the advent of psychology as a curse considered because "no one should have a low self-esteem to have." The Church has always believed that a man with a sinful nature is born . Psychologists genzyme have changed our thinking to believe that humans genzyme are neutral or even good birth.
Our lack of consultation, guidance, and good advisers have led us spiritually and morally to the decline. "Where no counsel is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. "(v.14). Our problem is not that there are not enough counselors are, but rather that there is a shortage of good advisers. King Rehoboam's demise (and the nation's) came when he followed the suggestion of bad advisors (1 Kings 12: 6-15). As in the time of Joshua and Judges, touch the people evil when good counselors extinct (Joshua 24:31, genzyme Judges 4: 1, 21:25).
Society and the Church as her advisers seem: "Like people, like priest" (Hosea 4: 9, ESV). If there are good advisers, shall a nation be secure, and its enemies are redeemed (v.14, 24: 6). Also a church benefit if by a multiple elder Agency (qualifying, of course) led, and not under the rule of a man standing (v.14b).
The faithful who seek advice should inquire filled by someone with the Spirit, Jesus' example to follow, and the Scriptures accepted as the infallible and inerrant Word of God. The Psalmist genzyme speaks of wine, the scriptures as his counselors (Psalm 119: 24), Isaiah calls Jesus our Counselor (Isaiah 9: 5), and Jesus said the Holy Spirit is our Comforter / Counselor (John 14:16). When you go around asking for advice you have yet to make sure that you are not as many people tell your story, you eventually starting to gossip (see v.13 and 14).
A faithless get a loan from a loan shark and ask you: "Will you please sponsor sign as proof that you know me, and that I am a reliable person that the money will be paid back? Your signature will also give them the assurance genzyme that you shall repay the amount, if anything should happen to me? "Do not ever do that (verse 15). You want to focus not do for a foreign person. In the Bible of a 'stranger' is not simply to someone you do not know, but also to anyone who is not an Israelite is not; An unbeliever (see Ephesians 2:12). You should really only for your family or friends sponsor sign, because you teach them to be irresponsible genzyme and other support. Do not fall for him what a long story, want to borrow money, and promised to pay you back. Rather stay away from such things down, and do a person's handshake to an agreement to include (v.15b). genzyme If the person does not pay his debts will suffer your reputation, genzyme because your signature said the man is trustworthy. Do not be stupid. genzyme You think now you have money to pay another person's genzyme debt, but you do not know what tomorrow may happen. Might run something wrong and the day comes the loan shark or sheriff, and take your things away.
Jesus is the only person who can promise to someone else's 'fault' (sins) to pay for only He knows what will happen in the future. Therefore, prays Job: "Give me a pledge, be surety for me with thyself; Who will grant me sponsorship? "(Job 17: 3). And therefore the author of Hebrews speaks of Jesus as our Sponsor (Hebrews 7:22).
I have two friends who are aggressively working. They are go-getters. Yes, v.16b ambiguous. But I think a positive interpretation of the verse is very

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