Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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In order to understand how the brain perceives the world, scientists need to get the ability to monitor stages of mitosis neuronal activity in real time in the process of perception. Japanese researchers have solved this problem by the example of the classical model organism - zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Due to its transparency of its embryos and larvae are ideally suited for visualizing neural activity in the brain. In addition, they are unpretentious and multiply rapidly. The scientists stages of mitosis for many years was a serious problem. The fact that the lens of a conventional optical microscope and the active and inactive neurons appear approximately the same. Therefore, researchers have developed a number of indicators (substances that in special circumstances change color) and dyes. If a certain type of active nerve cells, stages of mitosis they start to glow. That is, for example, when the neuron is activated, it is filled with calcium ions, which bind to specific dyes, causing them to produce a color emission. However, the use of dyes has its drawbacks. And chief among them - the need to fix the animal, which severely stages of mitosis limits the range of tasks performed. To solve this problem Dyuniti glow (Junichi Nakai) and his colleagues at the University Saitama appealed to the genetic marker luminiferous stages of mitosis - green fluorescent stages of mitosis protein stages of mitosis (GFP) - and linked it with a substance that glows in the presence of large amounts of calcium ions. The researchers then introduced into the genome of the zebrafish code that encodes the marker, stages of mitosis tying him to a protein unique to nerve cells. As a result, activation of neurons, researchers have seen their bright illumination without stages of mitosis using additional stages of mitosis dyes. The signal was so obvious that there was no need to fix fry during their studies of brain activity. So what fish think? As researchers found, stages of mitosis primarily about food. It is on the hunting behavior of zebrafish genetic engineers and decided to test his creation. To that end, the fish larvae hoisted single-celled organisms - paramecium (Paramecium). Using a specially developed method of imaging, researchers have traced the relationship between the movement of the paramecium, zebrafish behavior and activation of groups of neurons in the corresponding area of the brain fish (the roof of the midbrain). stages of mitosis The latter, according to scientists, most of the animals is responsible for the coordination of eye movements and reactions to objects in their field of vision. In an article published stages of mitosis in the journal Current Biology, researchers report that activation of nerve cells larvae occurred in tandem with the movements of a single-celled: bright flashes of neural activity observed at sharp movements paramecium. As a result, researchers in real time to observe what happens to the brain substance, when the fish saw the production, planned the attack and grabbed the victim. Zebrafish brain is very similar to the brain of mammals, including humans. This fact suggests stages of mitosis the enormous significance of the opening of the Japanese genetic engineers for medicine. The researchers hope that their method will help in some time and thoroughly understand the reactions of the human brain to various razdrazhiteli.Darya Zagorskaya
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