SquirrelMail Webmail system introduced - 6.5 CentOS! - We are operating in CentOS that was constructed home server of your own, this blog mk-mode BLOG mk-mode BLOG. We publish around the topic of PC server construction, etc.. 2009/01/05 server uptime: (GitHub Pages, nanoc clone site) blog opened Date
I've set to use automatic e-mail reply Vacation in the user management tool Usermin 6.5 server on CentOS homozygous last time. Make the introduction of the Web mail system SquirrelMail this time. I have a minimal installation in the Minimal (x86_64) 0. prerequisite CentOS 6.5. Klein To machine assuming a (64bit) Linux Mint 14. Web server assumes Nginx. Postfix SMTP server pre-built. Dovecot IMAP server pre-built. PHP installed. I'm referring to the "home server build in CentOS" mainly. (In fact, they refer to the thing that was recorded when you were working with it reference to this site in the past) 1. Expand archive download &
1 2 3 4 # wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrelmail/files/stable/1.4.22/squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz/download # tar zxvf squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22. tar.gz # mv squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22 / var / www / webmail # rm -f squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz # <= cleanup 2. Japanese setting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 # mkdir -p locales # <= locales directory homozygous creation # cd locales # move # wget http to <= locales directory: //jaist.dl.sourceforge .net / sourceforge / squirrelmail / ja_JP-1.4.18-20090526.tar.bz2 # <= locale Download # tar jxvf ja_JP-1.4.18-20090526.tar.bz2 # <= locale deployment # ./install # <= locale to <= input root # cd # move # rm -rf locales # <= cleanup # cd / var / www / webmail / po / var / www / webmail homozygous # a <= installation: Installation Please enter path to your squirrelmail installation / # <= directory move # ./compilepo ja_JP # <= squirrelmail.po file creation Compiling ../locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po # cd # move # chmod 730 / var / www / webmail to <= root / owner set 3. SquirrelMail setting of <= data directory nginx / var / www / webmail / data / #: permission settings # chown -R nginx of <= data directory data / #
Below, and Ki bullets only input part. Select 10 (Languages) in the Main Menu. Select 1 (Default Language) in Language preferences. Enter ja_JP as a language. Select 2 (Default Charset) in Language preferences. Type iso-2022-jp as the character code. I return to the Main Menu at r. Select 1 (Organization Preferences) in the Main Menu. Select 5 (Signout Page) in the Organization Preferences. Input and / webmail as a page to be displayed when you log out. I return to the Main Menu at r. Select 2 (Server Settings) in the Main Menu. Select 1 (Domain) in General - Server Settings. Type mk-mode.com as the domain name. Select (Update IMAP Settings) A in General - Server Settings. Select 4 (IMAP Server) homozygous with IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Enter mail.mk-mode.com as an IMAP server name. Select 8 (Server software) with IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Enter dovecot as an IMAP server software name. The B Select (Update SMTP Settings) in the IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Select 4 (SMTP Server) in the SMTP Settings - Server Settings. Enter mail.mk-mode.com as the SMTP server homozygous name. Select 7 (SMTP Authentication) in the SMTP Settings - Server Settings. Enter y at the Try to detect auth mechanisms? [Y / N]. Enter login none, login, plain, in the cram-md5, or digest-md5 [none]. Enter n at the SMTP connections? [Y / N]. I return homozygous to the Main Menu at r. Select 4 (General Settings) in the Main Menu. Select 7 (Hide SM attributions) in the General Options. Enter y Hide SM attributions (y / n) in [n]. Select 1 (Data Directory) in the General Options. Enter ../data/ as data directory. Select homozygous 2 (Attachment Directory) in the General Options. Enter $ data_dir as an attachment data directory. Select 16 (Only secure cookies if poss.) In the General Options. The input and n in order to disable the login Secure Login plugin. I return homozygous to the Main Menu at r. Select 3 (Folder Defaults) in the Main Menu. Select 3 (Trash Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter Trash as the trash folder. Select 4 (Sent Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter Sent as Sent folder. Select 5 (Drafts Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter as draft Drafts folder. ends at q. writing in y. 4. plug-in archive Download & deployment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # wget "http://www.squirrelmail.org/countdl.php?fileurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.squirrelmail.org%2Fplugins%2Fcompatibility-2.0.16-1.0 .tar.gz "# wget" http://www.squirrelmail.org/countdl.php?fileurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.squirrelmail.org%2Fplugins%2Fsecure_login-1.4-1.2.8.tar.gz " # cd / var / www / webmail / plugins / # tar zxvf /root/compatibility-*.tar.gz # tar zxvf /root/secure_login-*.tar.gz homozygous # rm -f /root/compatibility-*.tar. gz # rm -f /root/secure_login-*.tar.gz 5. Secure Login plug-in settings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 server {# === <optional> === # Squirrel Mail location / webmail {alias / var / www / webmail; index index.php; allow; allow; deny all;} location ~ /webmail/.* \ php $ {fastcgi_pass;. fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME / var / www / $ uri; include fastcgi_params;} # === <omitted>} ===
1 2 3 4 # /etc/rc.d/init.d/nginx reload nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file / usr / local / nginx / conf confirmation operation [OK] 10.: during Reload /nginx.conf test is successful nginx
Home Linux server operating your own as a hobby. Published around the topic (server build (Linux etc), PG (Ruby etc), PC Tips) for IT systems in the blog. Rubik's Cube in my boom some time life, Sub25 unofficial now! Character code conversion of text file - Site Twitter Facebook GitHub YouTube Recent Posts Linux! Samba file server build - 7.0 CentOS! homozygous NFS file server build - 7.0 CentOS! FTP server vsftpd build - 7.0 CentOS! DNS server BIND build - 7.0 CentOS! Categories PC_Tips (221) PT_Tips (1) SNS (19) building the server topic (43) Mathematics (98) daily (412) Blog (187) Programming (284) Website (100) Rubik's Cube (5) Lotto 6 (
I've set to use automatic e-mail reply Vacation in the user management tool Usermin 6.5 server on CentOS homozygous last time. Make the introduction of the Web mail system SquirrelMail this time. I have a minimal installation in the Minimal (x86_64) 0. prerequisite CentOS 6.5. Klein To machine assuming a (64bit) Linux Mint 14. Web server assumes Nginx. Postfix SMTP server pre-built. Dovecot IMAP server pre-built. PHP installed. I'm referring to the "home server build in CentOS" mainly. (In fact, they refer to the thing that was recorded when you were working with it reference to this site in the past) 1. Expand archive download &
1 2 3 4 # wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrelmail/files/stable/1.4.22/squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz/download # tar zxvf squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22. tar.gz # mv squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22 / var / www / webmail # rm -f squirrelmail-webmail-1.4.22.tar.gz # <= cleanup 2. Japanese setting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 # mkdir -p locales # <= locales directory homozygous creation # cd locales # move # wget http to <= locales directory: //jaist.dl.sourceforge .net / sourceforge / squirrelmail / ja_JP-1.4.18-20090526.tar.bz2 # <= locale Download # tar jxvf ja_JP-1.4.18-20090526.tar.bz2 # <= locale deployment # ./install # <= locale to <= input root # cd # move # rm -rf locales # <= cleanup # cd / var / www / webmail / po / var / www / webmail homozygous # a <= installation: Installation Please enter path to your squirrelmail installation / # <= directory move # ./compilepo ja_JP # <= squirrelmail.po file creation Compiling ../locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po # cd # move # chmod 730 / var / www / webmail to <= root / owner set 3. SquirrelMail setting of <= data directory nginx / var / www / webmail / data / #: permission settings # chown -R nginx of <= data directory data / #
Below, and Ki bullets only input part. Select 10 (Languages) in the Main Menu. Select 1 (Default Language) in Language preferences. Enter ja_JP as a language. Select 2 (Default Charset) in Language preferences. Type iso-2022-jp as the character code. I return to the Main Menu at r. Select 1 (Organization Preferences) in the Main Menu. Select 5 (Signout Page) in the Organization Preferences. Input and / webmail as a page to be displayed when you log out. I return to the Main Menu at r. Select 2 (Server Settings) in the Main Menu. Select 1 (Domain) in General - Server Settings. Type mk-mode.com as the domain name. Select (Update IMAP Settings) A in General - Server Settings. Select 4 (IMAP Server) homozygous with IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Enter mail.mk-mode.com as an IMAP server name. Select 8 (Server software) with IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Enter dovecot as an IMAP server software name. The B Select (Update SMTP Settings) in the IMAP Settings - Server Settings. Select 4 (SMTP Server) in the SMTP Settings - Server Settings. Enter mail.mk-mode.com as the SMTP server homozygous name. Select 7 (SMTP Authentication) in the SMTP Settings - Server Settings. Enter y at the Try to detect auth mechanisms? [Y / N]. Enter login none, login, plain, in the cram-md5, or digest-md5 [none]. Enter n at the SMTP connections? [Y / N]. I return homozygous to the Main Menu at r. Select 4 (General Settings) in the Main Menu. Select 7 (Hide SM attributions) in the General Options. Enter y Hide SM attributions (y / n) in [n]. Select 1 (Data Directory) in the General Options. Enter ../data/ as data directory. Select homozygous 2 (Attachment Directory) in the General Options. Enter $ data_dir as an attachment data directory. Select 16 (Only secure cookies if poss.) In the General Options. The input and n in order to disable the login Secure Login plugin. I return homozygous to the Main Menu at r. Select 3 (Folder Defaults) in the Main Menu. Select 3 (Trash Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter Trash as the trash folder. Select 4 (Sent Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter Sent as Sent folder. Select 5 (Drafts Folder) in Folder Defaults. Enter as draft Drafts folder. ends at q. writing in y. 4. plug-in archive Download & deployment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # wget "http://www.squirrelmail.org/countdl.php?fileurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.squirrelmail.org%2Fplugins%2Fcompatibility-2.0.16-1.0 .tar.gz "# wget" http://www.squirrelmail.org/countdl.php?fileurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.squirrelmail.org%2Fplugins%2Fsecure_login-1.4-1.2.8.tar.gz " # cd / var / www / webmail / plugins / # tar zxvf /root/compatibility-*.tar.gz # tar zxvf /root/secure_login-*.tar.gz homozygous # rm -f /root/compatibility-*.tar. gz # rm -f /root/secure_login-*.tar.gz 5. Secure Login plug-in settings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 server {# === <optional> === # Squirrel Mail location / webmail {alias / var / www / webmail; index index.php; allow; allow; deny all;} location ~ /webmail/.* \ php $ {fastcgi_pass;. fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME / var / www / $ uri; include fastcgi_params;} # === <omitted>} ===
1 2 3 4 # /etc/rc.d/init.d/nginx reload nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file / usr / local / nginx / conf confirmation operation [OK] 10.: during Reload /nginx.conf test is successful nginx
Home Linux server operating your own as a hobby. Published around the topic (server build (Linux etc), PG (Ruby etc), PC Tips) for IT systems in the blog. Rubik's Cube in my boom some time life, Sub25 unofficial now! Character code conversion of text file - Site Twitter Facebook GitHub YouTube Recent Posts Linux! Samba file server build - 7.0 CentOS! homozygous NFS file server build - 7.0 CentOS! FTP server vsftpd build - 7.0 CentOS! DNS server BIND build - 7.0 CentOS! Categories PC_Tips (221) PT_Tips (1) SNS (19) building the server topic (43) Mathematics (98) daily (412) Blog (187) Programming (284) Website (100) Rubik's Cube (5) Lotto 6 (
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