Friday, August 15, 2014

I set the security of the Web server for the Raspberry Pi is here. It is unlikely dctp that you wil

I set the security of the Web server for the Raspberry Pi is here. It is unlikely dctp that you will need to set the security if you do not publish the server. I set a password dctp for the Root first Anyway to set a password for the change of the Root port number of SSH create a new user and delete the configuration of pi user password of Root thing to do this time. pi user deletes just to make sure to create dctp a new user by deleting the password updated successfully pi user: sudo passwd root Enter new UNIX password: ******* Retype new UNIX password: ******* passwd I will make a new user to. You then delete kill user pi is currently used by process 2095 pi because users are currently using: userdel -r pi userdel. would disappear for each console Then -9 2095 kill. . . In that you want to delete the user pi First, from creating a new user. . I will put your user name in the username. sudo adduser username Adding user `username '... Adding new group` username' (1004) ... Adding new user `username '(1001) dctp with group` username' ... Creating home directory `/ home / username '... Copying files from` / etc / skel '... Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully Changing the user information for username Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Full Name []: Room Number []: Work Phone [] : is ignored Press only Enter total Yara Yara Room Number Is the information correct [Y / n] Y Full Name:? Home Phone []: [] Other. Close once in the exit, and then log in to ssh in as a user with the newly created. and it has been denied try again later; can not lock / etc / passwd:.. userdel -r pi userdel: Permission denied userdel. Let's put out in sudo. . sudo userdel -r pi We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator It usually boils down to these three things:.. # 1) Respect the privacy of others # 2) Think before you type # 3) With great It seems you do not have permission to the sudo the user to the newly created username is not in the sudoers file This incident will be reported:. power comes great responsibility [sudo] password for username... Let's dctp put the authority dctp to sudo. First of all I will be Root. I will add yourself dctp to / etc / sudoers: root Password - su. visudo pi ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL #pi ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: Comment out ALL username ALL = (ALL) PASSWORD ALL mistake, because there was a PASSWD pi user correctly, sudo by adding a new user I want to be to require a password when. To return to the user that the newly created (e) dit sudoers file again e (x) it without saving changes to sudoers file (Q) uit and save changes to sudoers file from What now Q Root?: What now Options are (DANGER!)? You. username ALL = (ALL) PASSWORD ALL username ALL that was wrong unable to initialize policy plugin =: username sudo userdel -r pi sudo - su: parse error in / etc / sudoers near line 29 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo Delete of pi user complete (/ var / mail / pi) not found this pi mail spool: (ALL) PASSWD ALL sudo userdel -r pi [sudo] password for username: userdel. But ... I'm using the password of the user that the newly created when you sudo it's this. While I think that Toka Na whether not use Toka password of Root, and mean that any good Well, we are in fact OK for the time being. I want to number to a different port 22 for SSH to change the port of SSH. Assign a number that can be used to free number that can be used to free 1024-49151 49152-65535 registered number 0-1023 Well known number. It had not been installed and when I try to edit command not found vim: ls / etc / ssh sudo vim sshd_config [sudo] password for username: sudo: vim. With that said, you can install. command i (number 65535 49152) sudo apt-get install vim installation is complete sudo vim sshd_config # What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for # Port 22 Port 61209 required (enter the characters) ESC (end-of-input I will restart q (Exit) ssh:): w (save). change the SSH port is complete sshd this: sudo service ssh restart [ok] Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server..
What to buy for the first time in electronic work> Raspberry PI Raspberry Pi in the Raspberry PI, in SSH without display the Raspberry dctp Pi Type B the SD card and buy Raspberry Pi Type B of the camera dctp module and Type B with SD card, the camera module has arrived move. Port open and setting the IP address of 2 Raspberry Pi security settings for Web server for part of 1 Raspberry Pi security dctp settings for Web server for part update on the state of the latest Windows version (very hard) Raspberry dctp Pi + capacity of up Raspberry Pi , the Streaming in Web camera and Camera module of the Raspberry Pi to try speeding up, the Camera module after electric bill Raspberry Pi by installing a wordpress to Raspberry Pi to set the Dynamic DNS by acquiring the domain of apache2 setting Raspberry Pi put a USB adapter for wireless LAN to the Raspberry Pi to be performed
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