Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Introduction According to statistics, in all causes of infertility among the causes of male inferti

Jump to the main text of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the current IVF Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cathay General Hospital, dna Taipei, Johns Hopkins and infertility physician Cornell University Training and Research Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, full-time Assistant dna Professor, Department of Medicine Fu ROC gynecology dna specialist, obstetrics and gynecology in the Taiwan Medical Association minimally invasive endoscopic cum specialist, Taiwan Perinatal Medicine specialist expertise is in gynecology uterine fibroids, adenomyosis hygroma, da Vinci minimally invasive endoscopic surgery , infertility treatment and IVF endometriosis, dna polycystic ovary syndrome dna and general obstetric deliveries. Welcome to visit and the message:
Introduction According to statistics, in all causes of infertility among the causes of male infertility about the proportion dna of about 45%, and female infertility reasons dna for the same. The so-called male infertility refers to the lack of their sperm count, poor sperm motility, sperm abnormal appearance, dna or will itself generate sperm manufacturing problems, infertility caused. For people with severe male infertility couples, even if IVF is often because they can not let the wife's egg is fertilized, the embryo can be implanted faced no dilemma, ultimately, to do IVF using donor sperm or adoption of another child . Thanks to advances in artificial reproductive technology, the egg cytoplasm single sperm microinjection technique (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection referred ICSI), has been widely used in the treatment of male infertility, get a good pregnancy rate and implantation rate, become men Infertility savior.
Professor in the egg cytoplasm single sperm microinjection technique (ICSI) 1992 Belgium Free University Van Steirteghem take a little sperm of male infertility patients, the use of micro-injection technology within dna a single sperm injected into the egg cytoplasm, successfully fertilize an egg, and pregnancy gave birth to the baby. The egg cytoplasm single sperm microinjection (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection referred ICSI) technique allows the treatment of male infertility has entered a new milestone. Male infertility can be found as long as there is a sperm survival, the use of ICSI technique it is possible to let the egg is fertilized and then pregnancy.
The whole process is done in a micromanipulator micromanipulator (Micromanipulator) on (Figure 1). While using a fixed micro tubules (Holding pipette), using a negative pressure to suck the eggs, sperm and then applied on the other side of the micro-injection of a small tube (Injection pipette), the syringe is injected into the egg in the microstructure in order to achieve the purpose of fertilization. Before sperm microinjection, sperm must first be carried dna out without automation (Immobilized), dna usually applied injection fine tubules, gently dna draw at the tail of the sperm, let not move, then sperm injection inhalation of fine tubules, then apply a fixed fine tubules withstand the egg, then sperm injection containing fine within a small tube, the egg polar body (Polar dna body) adjustment at 6 o'clock or 12 o'clock dna position, then align the egg 3 o'clock position, the sperm injected into the egg inside, complete ICSI procedure (Figure 2). With polarizing optical system (Polarizing dna Optical System) to operate ICSI, can reduce dna the possible damage during the operation a small tube of egg injection of fine quality skeleton.
Applies mainly targeted male factor infertility couples include: (a) azoospermia (azoospermia). (2) sperm rare disease (Oligospermia). (3) poor sperm fertilization, including dna sperm unable to disease, abnormal sperm, poor motility, sperm zona pellucida binding obstacles. (4) congenital testicular sperm manufacture bad --- can be obtained by testicular dna sperm sperm. (5) congenital defects --- vas deferens sperm can be obtained via the epididymal sperm. (6) has the patient anti-sperm antibodies. (7) cases have done IVF IVF failure. (8) Part of unexplained infertility patients
When ICSI ICSI technique is safe just come out, because with artificial sperm directly into the egg cytoplasm, dna the process than natural fertilization process more aggressive, so it is worrying security. In the natural fertilization dna process, allowing the sperm to fertilize the egg stand out from tens of millions of sperm in the elite only, but ICSI is a technician in the laboratory by a randomly selected sperm injected into the egg cytoplasm to a clear violation natural principles. However, Professor Van Steirteghem track 201 ICSI baby to two years of age, and with them the other 131 to compare traditional IVF physical and intellectual development, found that two dolls and no significant differences. To further understand the safety of ICSI, the European Infertility Medical Association integration 24 countries a total of 90 infertility centers, tracking 807 ICSI babies, including 16 babies major congenital malformations, the probability of occurrence is 1.9%, with natural conception and birth of the baby did not increase compared to the probability of congenital malformations. However, dna due to too many variables statistically, currently dna unable to make any conclusions. Of course, these studies will continue to be tracked down, because dna of these reproductive disadvantaged groups to use ICSI procreation, yes right? Is wrong? There is still some controversy, the future need to clarify further.
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