Friday, May 29, 2015

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - endoplasmic reticulum is included in all eukaryotic cells (except sper

Viruses - organized into separate groups of organisms - a single organization, valdoxan but a number of features in common with cellular organisms - a model for learning processes in the cell (eg. The mechanisms of gene regulation) - agents of infectious diseases - slow virus - infectious disease is not a typical character - vectors for gene transfer from one type of organism to another - (natural and genetic engineering) - enrichment of genetic information during evolution, creating transgenic organisms - high frequency of mutations (not repair mechanisms), lethal very quickly valdoxan eliminated by selection - relative genetic stability - the clinical significance of mutations - changes antigenic properties of the virus or the host cell specificity, and changing pathogenicity - mutants with unchanged antigenic properties but with reduced pathogenicity (attenuated virus) are used as vaccines - may be used for genetic recombination valdoxan (where b. infected by two similar or different viruses the same virus mutations) - also demonstrated recombination between human and animal strains of influenza - the clinical significance of recombination - the acquisition of new antigenic variants or variations in other properties - the killing of host cells (cardiac arrest transcription or DNA replication or virus programmed death - lysis and release of virions) - Damage cell functions - change the function of tissues or entire organs (may be reversible, and after release of virions cell regenerates) - virogeny - virus DNA covalently combined with the DNA of the host b. - incorporation into a chromosome - simultaneously with the replication of the host cell DNA (but do not express ) - descendants of the host cell containing the viral DNA - the influence of inductors can be Fírova aktivovám genome and initiates the reproductive cycle before integration RNA viruses into the host DNA must be rewritten valdoxan using reverse valdoxan transcriptase (retrovirus - HIV) - oncoviruses - causing tumor cell transformation (integrated in the chromosome host cells or is stored in the cytoplasm as a plasmid) - insertional mutagenesis - the promoter sequence of the virus during insertion into a host to get the regulatory region of the gene - dysregulation of transcription - a loss of control of the synthesis of a particular protein structure of the virus - nucleic acid enclosed in a wrapper formed by capsid protein = - capsid composed of multiple subunits capsomers = - usually identical, produces quaternary structure - the nucleic acid and capsid = nucleocapsid - for enveloped viruses nucleocapsid is encased valdoxan in a membrane composition and structure similar biomembránám NK - RNA (RNA viruses) - either a linear single-stranded (tobacco mosaic, baby palsy) or double valdoxan stranded (reoviruses) - DNA - single-stranded or double-stranded, linear or circular, some viruses is at the 5 'end covalently bound capsid proteins - = capsomers subunits are generally identical - All the proteins encoded in the viral genome - Various prostová structure - arises subunit autoorganizací Outer carton - like structure biomembránám - Dual film of lipids (synthesized by the cell) - Transmembrane stored proteins (glycoproteins) - Carbohydrates are oriented on the surface - forming teeth or spikes (spikes) virus reproduction (reproductive cycle) - They are not able to reproduce autonomously - reproduction probíhápouze in the living cell, that its energy metabolism and proteosyntetickým apparatus synthesized components of virions - adsorption to the cell surface and penetration valdoxan into the cell - Reproduction - Release of the cells - often leads to the collapse of the host cell
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - endoplasmic reticulum is included in all eukaryotic cells (except sperm) - consists of a structure ...
A) When natural reproduction using the gametes occurs at several levels recombination genetic information recombination genes and when it segregates valdoxan ...

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