Monday, December 9, 2013

2. Advantages and disadvantages of itself comparative bekbon connection. 4. My mistake I apologize.

Hi, I have some questions about connecting to networks. 1. In this photo if someone can tell me if it will be to put the designated router my place and cover (Wifi) two premises (enclosed in green ). If so what kind of router I have (model, type ...)? 2. The other thing I want to ask is what bekbon (backbone) or so-called spinal fusion (I need as soon as more information) 3. Router with two WAN-a - what is it used? How to connect? 4. VPN (VLAN) - I know it's a virtual network, but do not know what does. I mean how and when you use one? 5. What type of cooling (air conditioners) need to cool a room devoted to Cancer and cooling what is put into a cancer that has a router comparative and one ups? I would be grateful if someone can help me.
Hi, I have some questions about connecting to networks. 1. In this photo if someone can tell me if it will be to put the designated router my place and cover (Wifi) two premises (enclosed in green ). If so what kind of router I have (model, type ...)? 2. The other thing I want to ask is what bekbon (backbone) or so-called spinal fusion (I need as soon as more information) 3. Router comparative with two WAN-a - what is it used? How to connect? comparative 4. VPN (VLAN) - I know it's a virtual network, but do not know what does. I mean how and when you use one? 5. What type of cooling (air conditioners) need to cool a room devoted to Cancer and cooling what is put into a cancer that has a router and one ups? I would be grateful if someone can help me.
About 5. - It is a 5-storey building on the ground floor there is a router Oops upper four floors and switch Oops .... should they provide at each cooling comparative and how cancer U need to pick them up? About 4. - Can you obyasnisnite more precisely how it relates (topology). In the sense router ----> vpn device ----> vpn device ----> router? something you should be? if so are there any other varyanti? About 2. - I need more information if you can give me. What are the advantages? disadvantages? Will I be using a router to pass the other four switches connected to the Internet network without any loss?
About 5. - It is a 5-storey building on the ground floor there is a router Oops upper four floors comparative and switch Oops .... should they provide at each cooling and how cancer U need to pick them up? About 4. - Can you obyasnisnite more precisely how it relates (topology). comparative In the sense router ----> vpn device ----> vpn device ----> router? something you should be? if so are there any other varyanti? About 2. - I need more information if you can give me. What are the advantages? disadvantages? Will I be using a router to pass the other four switches connected to the Internet network without any loss?
2. Advantages and disadvantages of itself comparative bekbon connection. 4. My mistake I apologize. I was under the notion that VPN and VLAN are the same, but just now I saw that you changed your old post. I am interested VLAN. My ultimate goal is to separate the two networks. In the sense that their network comparative should be protected and it should not be accessible from other networks. The actual separation of the two networks and the protection of their own network have to do with VLAN networks. And the problem is I have no idea how.
2. Advantages and disadvantages of itself bekbon connection. 4. My mistake I apologize. I was under the notion that VPN and VLAN are the same, but just now I saw that you changed your old post. I am interested VLAN. My ultimate goal is to separate the two networks. In the sense that their network should be protected comparative and it should not be accessible from other networks. The actual separation of the two networks and the protection of their own network have to do with VLAN networks. And the problem is I have no idea how.
Posted November 29, 2013 - 06:56
4. Have an example switch with 12 ports, if tag ports 1,2 and 10 to 10 for example, VLAN and VLAN ports 5,6,7,12 a first port 11, it will be like a net, and the second other will not be visible to the (via switch)
If I'm not too pushy want to ask if you can give me some article or something on how to make themselves settings VLANa This is my switches - Netgear 24 x 10/100 Prosafe PLUS switch (manage) and should reach 1.2 port , 3,7,8,9,10 ... 24 with a VLAN and 4,5,6 other. But since I do not know how to set the switch itself or just do not know what to do after I connect the wires. comparative PS I would appreciate if you help me again
If I'm not too pushy want to ask if you can give me some article or something comparative on how to make themselves settings VLANa This is my switches - Netgear 24 x 1

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