Photosynthesis is the way in which virtually all the energy enters the biosphere. Through photosynthesis the chlorophyllous plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. Photosynthesis is a complex chain of reactions performed by light energy by specific pigments (such as chlorophyll), which results in the synthesis of organic compounds (sugars) from carbon dioxide and water. All other compounds essential for plant structure, are produced from these organic compounds resulting from photosynthesis.
The leaf is the national headquarters dna replication of photosynthesis, chlorophyll because his wealth, his position dna replication in the plant that are exposed dna replication to light, a laminar fashion that allows use of light energy efficiently. The stem of certain plants and even the root of certain species of orchids can perform photosynthesis, although the photosynthetic function is preferably performed by the leaves on the plants.
For the sheets can synthesize food is essential, among other things their disposal of CO2 green cells. The CO2 from the air, penetrates the leaf through the stomata and diffuses in the intercellular spaces, is dissolved in water and passes through the plasmalemma of cells which arrive through the cytoplasm to the chloroplast. In chloroplasts CO2 is used in the synthesis of sugars, and its concentration in the chloroplast always less than the air. This allows a constant CO2 flow of air into the chloroplasts.
The light can be understood as a wave of energy particles called photons. The energy of these photons is inversely proportional to the wavelength of these prtículas. dna replication Thus, the blue light photon has more energy than red light, which has longer wavelength.
The main step in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy is the absorption of light. A pigment is any substance that absorbs light. The pattern of absorption is known as a pigment absorption spectrum. When a pigment absorbs light, electrons are raised to a higher level, may occur: conversion of energy as heat; transfer energy in the form of light energy (fluorescence or phosphorescence) and capture the energy in a chemical bond, as in photosynthesis.
The pigments involved in photosynthesis include chlorophylls, carotenoids dna replication and phycobilins. There are several different types of chlorophyll which differ from each other only in minor details from their molecular structures. Chlorophyll a occurs in all photosynthetic eukaryotes and prokaryotes in the blue-green algae, being regarded as essential for photosynthesis of organisms belonging to this group. Chlorophyll b is an accessory dna replication pigment and, like the other accessory dna replication pigments, broadens the absorption spectrum of light in photosynthesis. As chlorophyll b absorb light of different wavelength chlorophyll increases the range of light that can be used for photosynthesis. Carotenoids are fat-soluble dna replication dyes red, orange or yellow, dna replication chloroplasts found in all, and also in association with the chlorophyll a procaryotic blue-green algae. The carotenoids that do not contain oxygen are called carotenes while those having this element are called carotenóis. The green leaf, the color of carotenoids is masked by chlorophyll, which is present in more abundant quantities. In some tissues, such as mature or petals of a yellow flower tomato carotenoids predominate. Since they are not water soluble carotenoids dna replication are not found free in the cytoplasm, are bound to proteins within the plastid. The phycobilins are water soluble pigments accessories, found in blue-green algae, in the chloroplasts of red algae and some other groups of eukaryotic algae.
In chloroplast, chlorophyll and other molecules are stacked on structures known as photosynthetic units. Each unit contains 250 to 400 pigment molecules that can absorb light and transfer dna replication it to a reactive molecule. The energy absorbed by the molecule is reactive enough to completely expel an electron from the molecule. The reactive molecule, is therefore oxidized and loses an electron, forming a situation sometimes referred to as "having an electronic gap." To fill these gaps there are two photochemical systems that work together in the leaves. Thus, the electrons lost by a reactive molecule are replaced with others that also comes from another reactive molecule or water molecule after the photolysis.
Pigment System I contains a higher proportion of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b relation to the system I. Pigment In both systems, there are different types of carotenoids. In Pigment System I, the reactive molecule is a form of chlorophyll a known as P700, because one of the peaks of its spectrum d
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